Fred Weasley x reader

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The halls of Hogwarts were soundless as you patrolled around on your Prefect duties. You had no idea where your partner was, as he seemed to wander off and slack on his duties often. But you, being the responsible girl you were, took over for him most of the time.

Most of your patrols were uneventful. There was the occasional couple snogging behind a statue or a lost first-year that had wandered away from their common room. However, most of the time your duties were the only alone time you got all day.

Walking in solitude through the immense corridors and chambers calmed you and helped you clear your mind.

But you wouldn't be alone tonight.

From up around the corner you could hear a distant buzzing. Curious, you sped up your steps and peeked around the corner, startled to almost be hit in the face with a Golden Snitch.

"Oh!" you cried as you stepped back.

The Snitch flew in circles around your head, making you quite dizzy, before it flew past you and was instantly quiet.

You knew who was behind you without having to turn around.

"Fred. Why do you always have to scare me like that?" you said exasperatedly with your back still turned. "And did you have to steal that from Madam Hooch's office again? I could give you detention for that, y'know."

"But you won't because I'm your favourite Weasley."

At a remark like this, you'd usually make a joke as to how Percy was actually your favourite Weasley, but after what had happened in the summer - well - it just didn't seem suitable.

Instead, you smiled softly before spinning on your toes to face the unruly Gryffindor. Fred was beaming cheekily, holding the Snitch smoothly in his right hand, his left crossed over his chest.

"When are you going to come around (y/n)? How much longer do l have to wait?"

On nights when no couples or lost first-years were found, you usually found Fred Weasley instead. He had been chasing after you since the end of your fifth year. It was now both of your seventh years and he hadn't yet given up, regardless of your many rejections.

You hoped Fred couldn't see your blushing cheeks. While you had turned down the rambunctious boy many times over the years, feelings had begun to creep up. His incredible loyalty to you was quite attractive and he had never ceased to be your friend through the good and bad.

Yes, you could definitely say that at this point, Fred wouldn't have to wait much longer.

"Oh, maybe just a bit longer," you said slyly.

Fred just continued beaming, smiling down at you. He had moved closer making your heart beat faster.

"Better not wait too much longer ... George and I are planning our great escape ... We might be gone by the end of the week."

You were puzzled and unsure what he meant by his strange words, but you reasoned that it was probably just another of the boys' pranks.

"So, speaking of your other half, where's George?"

"Probably sleeping. Anyway, why would I bring him along? It would ruin this incredibly romantic mood."

You allowed yourself a small chuckle and looked down before you could see Fred's eyes light up in happiness that he had been able to make you laugh.

"Well, I best be off." Fred threw the Snitch up in the air and caught it before it could fly away. "See you tomorrow."

With a wink, he sauntered past you around the corner, looking back every once in a while with the same cheeky grin glued to his face. You simply shook your head, both exasperated and drawn to the boy.


"What's happening?" you whispered as everyone in the class turned in their seats.

"I don't know," a boy across from you whispered back.

It was two days after that round of Prefect duties. You and the other seventh-years were in the middle of a Charms lesson with Professor Flitwick when a loud rumbling could be heard in the distance. The rumbling grew louder and more pronounced and you could have sworn you could hear whizzing and popping noises.

Suddenly a familiar laugh reached your ears.

"Honestly," you muttered under your breath.

You ran out of the classroom with the other students, Professor Flitwick leading the way excitedly.

Suddenly Fred and George zoomed above your head on broomsticks, whooping and laughing like maniacs. Magical fireworks followed close behind them, filling the chamber with light and explosions. You laughed joyously, piecing together Fred's words and understanding in an instant that this was their "great escape."

You followed the twins at a run, not caring that you probably looked just as crazy as them.

The rest of the students ran after you, hollering and shouting in glee. The twins reached the main courtyard and began to ascend higher into the sky.

Your heart dropped as you realized that was about to leave. You couldn't let him go. Not yet.

"Fred!" you called to him, desperately hoping he could hear you over all of the shouting. "FRED!"

The red-head turned on his broom and searched the crowd that had gathered below him. You rushed to the fountain in the center of the courtyard and raised yourself above the students.

Fred turned his head and saw you, a genuine smile appearing on his face. Above the din, he flew over to you and gently landed beside you, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Well? This is it (y/n). Do I get you or not?" Fred said with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm not a prize that you get, y'know," you told him with a serious expression, but you broke into a smile almost immediately. "But yes, Fred Weasley, I think you've waited long enough."

Fred looked shocked for only a moment before his smile returned, bigger and brighter than you had ever seen.

He leaned down and kissed you, chills going up your spine. The crowd below you all gasped quietly before cheering even louder than before. You broke the kiss and laughed, admiring Fred's pride in kissing you in front of the whole school.

"You finally got her, mate!" George yelled from high above - he was cheering the loudest of them all.

"This isn't really good-bye," Fred said as he mounted his broom. Your face fell and he looked pained to have to leave you. "I'll always come back. I've waited this long - I'm not going to let you go."

You pulled him closer for one more kiss before he flew up and away. You waved until your arm ached as you watched the twin's figures get smaller and smaller. And you knew Fred was right. You would see each other again.



And here's another Fred one because i love Fred
and you love Fred (you better love fred)

Words: 1133
Published: 21st Feb. 2017

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