Tom Riddle x reader

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You held your breath as you watched Tom Riddle from afar. From where you stood you could see that he was speaking to Professor Dumbledore on the stairs, but their words couldn't reach your ears. As Dumbledore followed after the stretcher that held the dead body of Myrtle, Tom made his way towards you.

The stone wall was cold against your thin shirt as you pressed yourself against its face. Tom walked past without seeing you, and only after he had rounded the corner did you allow yourself to breath again.

Your shoes made painstakingly loud clip-clop sounds as you followed Tom deeper down underneath the castle. You were on a mission. A mission built on hope of who you knew Tom to be.

You knew what Tom had done. What he was planning. And while it was revolting, you cared enough about him to believe that he could still be saved from the darkness that he was brooding in his heart.

The corridors Tom took grew deeper and darker, and so far you felt that you hadn't been detected. That was before a spell nearly hit you square in the chest. You hit the ground hard as you flung yourself out of the spell's course. Tom stood over you, nostrils flared in anger.

"Tom. Tom, just listen," you began as you stood up.

You ignored the stabbing pain that radiated from your ribs and fixed your (y/e/c) eyes on Tom's hard face. You tried to hide your shock at him firing a spell at you. Yet then again, you weren't shocked about anything that he did which was out of order anymore.

Tom looked away and raised his hand in a commanding fashion, causing you to choke on your next words. You felt your confidence beginning to slip, but you reminded yourself why you were doing this. You loved Tom. You had since the day you met. And you believed that the old Tom, the good Tom, could come back to you.

"Why are you doing this? I know what you've done and what you're planning to do." You didn't dare mention anymore, afraid the boy's anger would get the better of him again. "Please. Just stop. Come back to me."

Tom said nothing as he stared down at the ground. You felt your knees grow weak as your heart pumped blood to your light head.

"(y/n), I'm different now. I thought you understood that. I thought that you saw that this is who I am now. I'm at my prime." He stepped closer, his cold eyes seeming to bore straight through your skull. "Nothing is going to stop me."

Silence reigned. You felt yourself slip under Tom's intense gaze. And then everything suddenly became clear to you. Staring at the boy whom you had loved once, you couldn't see the same person. The old Tom was either buried deep inside of this new person, or gone completely. You felt your throat burn as tears fell uncontrollably from your eyes.

You finally understood that you were too late. No matter your efforts, they were too late. Tom's eyes blinked several times before he stepped closer. You moved your face away, your heart wrenching painfully at your new realisation.

"I tried, Tom, I really tried. But the boy I fell in love with all those years ago is gone. He's gone," you sobbed and backed away slowly, turning to run as far from Tom as you could.

You came to terms with yourself as you ran aimlessly through the corridors. You knew that you had done the right thing, trying to help him, and that you would never forget who Tom had used to be. But that boy was gone.


this is actually a teeny bit sadder than I intended it to be tbh

Words: 624
Published: 21st Feb. 2017

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