New kid

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Zane POV~

Its my first day of school and I'm really nervous, when I was younger I would be an outsider I would never really fit in with the other kids, I was lonely I was.....heart broken every piece of my heart was covered with scars and cracks and one day I hope my heart would heal and if it doesn't then there's only one thing that can will shatter into a million piece's. I was already to go, I got my stuff and headed downstairs, I put my bag down on the kitchen couch and sat down to eat breakfast "So ready for your first day of school son?" Asked Father, I looked down at my food and said "to be honest not really " "Why not?" asked mum " You'll be going to school with your brothers" she said, Vylad is my younger brother, he is one year younger and my older brother Garroth is two years older, they go to the same school and I used to go to a different school to them but I asked mum and father to transfer me to their school cause I didn't like it there, the teachers, the classes, the students " I guess that makes things better " as I was eating I saw my brothers come down "Hey baby brother, hey mom and dad " Garroth said sitting down "mornin' big brother mornin' mum, dad " Vylad said also sitting "mornin' brothers " I said to them

Garroth POV~

I was glad my baby brother was coming to school with us, in his last school he didn't really fit in the teachers would treat him like crap, the students would always bully him and the classes he took were super hard and they didn't let him switch, I hate that school, those people are fucking ass holes I never liked that school, I tried to stop him but he didn't listen, we never really talked to one another but when he used to have problems at school he would come to me and we would talk together, that brought us closer to each other, I told him to tell mum and father but he said he didn't want them to know "Hey baby brother I'll show you around the school when we get  there okay? but I do have morning classes so I'll only get to show you a bit is that okay?" I asked Zane he waited and looked at me "Yeah thanks " he smiled and I smiled back, we finished eating and drove to school, we finally got to school then we got out of the car and we walked into school "Hey guys I have to go I'll see you after class" Vylad went off and Zane and I started walking, we walked and stopped at a locker "this is your locker we'll finish class at the same time so we'll get to see each other, your class is down the hall second door to your right "  I said leaving him so I could go to my Spanish class 

Travis POV~

I was walking in the hallway and I saw Garroth "hey Garroth whats up " "Nothing much " "See you after class" I said walking to my class as I was walking I stopped for a moment suddenly I felt someone bump into me I turned around gasping I saw a dark haired guy on the floor "hey are you okay there " I asked he didn't say anything he stood up he was looking down "hey are you okay I don't think I've ever seen here I'm Travis "he looked up at me and I saw his eyes sparkle they looked so beautiful then he finally spoke "Yeah I'm new here its my first day I'm Zane by the way " he said for some reason I had a very strange feeling in my stomach we walked into the same class room "oh you take this class too?" I asked he nodded we sat together and "began"  the lesson  

Hey guys thanks for reading I hope I can update daily cause my teacher is a really big b**ch so yeah hope you liked it Tigress out : )

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