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Dante POV~

Zane called out to Travis, Travis turned around and looked at him "Here" Zane said handing him a box, Travis took it and opened it "Wow where did you get this?" Travis asked "I got it yesterday at a jewllary shop, I wanted to give you something to remember me " Zane said burying his face into his mask "What is it?" Laurance asked "It's a ring with our names on it" Travis answered. Travis hugged Zane and then kisses him "And that's to remember me " Zane blushed a little, I was standing beside Vylad helping him stand, I kisses him on the cheek "Aw you're sweet" Vylad said and I giggled

Zane POV~

Travis hugged me one last time and left for his parents house, I'm gonna miss him but I'm happy I can be with my new friends and my brothers. I walked inside with a little bit of a sad face "Aw don't worry Zane Travis will be back in two weeks " Dante said "I know that " I said, I walked passed the living room to my room, I went on my laptop to see what was new "huh? nothings new I guess " I said to myself "Maybe I'll just listen to some music" I thought, I put on a song when I heard a knock on my door, I looked at it and asked who it was, it was Laurance "Fancy seeing you in my room " I said "Yeah " He said smiling "So did you want something?" I asked "Amm yeah actually, I want you to teach me a few tricks about basketball " Laurance said "Sure " I said, we got up and went outside

One week later Travis POV~

Its already been a week and I miss Zane so much, I hadn't had time to call him cause I've been doing things with my family, we went on a tour around Paris and stuff. I wish I could bring Zane here sometime but its no time to sob, I need to get ready

Two weeks later still Travis POV~

Finally I'm going home and I'll get to see my friends and boyfriend, you know what I'll introduce Zane to my parents when we're at the airport, they said they'll come and collect me "Okay son are you ready? it's time to drive to the airport" mom asked "yeah one sec just need to make a quick phone call " I said "Sure but hurry " she said, I took my phone out and called Garroth

Garroth: Hey Travis whats up?

Travis: Hey Garroth, nothing much just about to drive to the airport

Garroth: Oh yeah we're on our way okay

Travis: Okay see you there bye

Garroth: Bye

I finished the call and got into the car "Ready?" Dad asked " Yeah " I asnwered

Garroth POV~

"Hey guys get ready fast we need to pick Travis up from the airport " I called out " Yeah okay " Vylad answered, after a while they finished getting ready and we left for the airport. After three hours we finally got there, we waited a while but he finally came "Hey guys " he said looking at us, we all greeted him "Hey Zane " Travis said walking up to him, Zane turned around and hugged Travis then Travis lifted Zane up and spun him around "Oh I just remembered come with me " Travis said

Third person POV~

Travis walked up to his parents while holding Zanes hand "Mom, dad this is my boyfriend Zane, Zane these are my parents " Travis introduced Zane to his parents "Oh its nice to meet you Zane " His mom said "You too" Zane shook their hands "Your even handsomer in person " Travis' mom said "Thank you so much " Zane said "okay well we better get going "Travis said, they waved goodbye and left for home. When they arrived at home Travis went to unpack and Zane and the guys went to watch TV, there was nothing on but the news on every channel so they just left the news on until they heard something very interesting and horrifing, Zane was glued to the couch not moving a single inch scared, Garroth mad as hell, Laurance, Vylad and Dante shocked then Travis walked in and saw them there all frozen until he saw the news. Now Travis is furiouse

Okie thats all sorry I haven't uploaded in a log time I had a rough week with no internet a couple days and with some privet problems. My ears hurt so bad I just got 4 new piercings well that's all for today sorry it was short Misaki out : )

This love is like a Dream~Zanvis FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now