Zane's eye

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Garroth POV~

Travis yelled at my baby brother, I looked at Zane and walked over to him " Zane be honest with me who did this.......was it father?" I asked he looked down, I thought so, I hugged him to make him feel better and I feel so sorry for him I started to cry "I'm so sorry Zane I forgot that father hurts you when I'm not home, please forgive me " I pleaded for forgiveness then I felt another pair of hands wrap around us it was Vylad "I'm sorry too I was so happy that I was with Dante and that he asked me to live with him that I forgot that you get hurt by father, what kind of brother am I " He said "No Vylad this is all my fault I'm the oldest out of us three I couldn't even protect my brothers from that monster, if anyone should be sorry it should be me " I said, Zane started crying too "No you two shouldn't feel sorry, I should look after myself " Zane said, what is he talking about "This is my fault I'm so weak I cant even take care of myself " "STOP! " I shouted "Zane your not weak your strong, you just cant fight father cause you know that's the wrong thing, you have a good heart Zane, your not weak your strong and you will always be " I said and all of a sudden we hear an "awwwwwwwww" from the guys, wow I forgot they were there 

Vylad POV~

"Big brother can you tell me how he did that"I asked, he looked at me then sighed " Well I was laying on my bed when I saw father come in my room, I sat up and he had one hand behind his back, I asked him what he had behind his back he just grind and he looked very scary, he punched me in the eye and I fell on the floor, I didn't find out what he had behind his back " Zane told us I got so mad at my father I mean what did mother ever see in him, like come on he's a maniac 

Zane POV~

I told the guys what father did, well half of it, the other half I don't want to tell them cause Garroth would explode if I told him the other half, the whole truth is that when I fell on the floor my father had a knife behind his back, he took it out and started cutting my arms and legs. I have to hide these scars not even Garroth can know, I know I know Garroth and I promised not to hide any secrets but this needs to be kept away from him I'll tell him in a while when they heal, I'll tell him, I might even forget about them but were the scars are on my arms will take a while to heal. After all the classes we left for the guys house "Home sweet home " Dante said, we walked in and I put my bag in the hall "Okay this is the plan, first thing is eat second homework third movies fourth video games and then we can do whatever" Travis said "I might have to skip steps three and four " I said "Why?" Travis asked disappointed "Aphmau asked if I could go to her house and watch My little horses and have a tea party so I gladly agreed and she said she'll cover my black eye cause at school people were looking at me " I said "Well will you come back after?" He asked "Yeah I will " I said smiling "Damn your cute even with a black eye " Travis mumbled, my eyes shot open, I blushed and said "Ammmm " "Oh did I say that out loud? " Travis asked "Don't worry they didn't hear, you just mumbled it " I said to him "Few but did you hear me? " He asked I blushed and nodded my head, be blushed and said "Well better go eat come on " we went to the kitchen and started eating, after we finished eating we went to the living room to do our homework then after that we were finished with that, I left the guys house 

Aphmau POV~

I was waiting for Zane to come, I heard the door open "Zane!" I ran to the door at saw the black haired male at the door "Hey Aph " Zane said with a smile "Come on lets cover that eye up " I took Zane's hand and pulled him upstairs to my room "Here sit " I sat Zane in front of my makeup table, I took foundation, concealer, blender and a brush "Wow the foundation is perfect for your skin " I said "Ammm Aph do we really need that much things " Zane asked "What are you talking about this isn't even a lot " I said "What there's more?" he asked "Yep " I said "But you don't need them " I said, I finished with Zane's eye and let him look in the mirror in front of him "Wow its like there was nothing there " He said "I know I'm a miracle worker " I said, we went downstairs to watch the show, I couldn't help but see that he wasn't happy " Okay time for the tea party " I said, we sat down at the table "Tea?" I asked "Please" Zane said. Everytime we had these tea parties Zane was happy but now he's different, is he hiding something? "Hey Zane whats wrong?" I asked "Nothing " he answered "Come on" I can see that somethings up " I said, he sighed, he looked down and said " I guess I'm just afraid to go back home " "Oh I got an idea how about we have a sleepover here tonight " I asked "Yeah that sounds great " He said "I'll go tell the guys " Zane said leaving "Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan were having a sleepover  get ready 

Okie that's all I'll see you in the next chapter hope you liked it thank you for reading bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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