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Travis POV~

I was unpacking when it went silent all of a sudden, I got up and walked to the living room, I looked at the guys and they were frozen but Garroth had a scary look on his face "HURRY WE NEED TO GO MOMS!" Garroth shouted "I'll come with you " Zane said "No you stay, Travis you stay here with Zane and protect him understood?" Garroth asked "Alright but whats going on?" I asked "Zane'll tell you now Vylad, Dante lets go" Garroth, Dante and Vylad went off outside and hopped into the car "Can anyone tell me whats going on?" I asked "I'll tell you, just let me call the girls first" Laurance took out his phone and called the girls. After about 5 minutes the girls finally arrived out of breath "What's....up?" Katelyn asked "Why are you out of breath?" Laurance asked "Because I was in the bath when someone called" She answered "Oh. But who cares this is more important, lets go sit down" we all went to the living room and sat down. Zane came up to me and cuddled me, I guess this must be super important "So what's up?" Aphmau asked "........Zane's father he........he broke out of prison" Laurance said "WHAT!?" We all shouted in sync "That's why Garroth, Dante and Vylad left for Zane's moms house " Laurance explained more. Okay now I'm mad and not just mad but frustrated, I guess Zane noticed since he looked up at me and said "Calm down, loosin' up your grip please " "Oh sorry but I'm not calming down" 

Garroth POV~

That......that bastard I can't believe he actually managed to break out off prison. We arrived at moms house, I jumped out of the car and ran inside "MOM!?" I shouted "Oh Garroth what's wrong?" She asked "Did you not hear the news?" I asked "No" she answered. I told her everything and she fell on her knees and started crying, I ran to her and held her in my arms "It's okay I'm here" I said "Listen I want you and Laurance's mom to go off somewhere while that monster is caught okay?" I asked she nodded "Wait what about Zane and you boys?" she asked "Don't worry we'll be fine. We'll protect Zane " I answered. She went upstairs and got her things ready while I called Laurance's mom and told her everything. After about half an hour they were ready and they left "Okay lets go back now, they might get worried " Dante said, we hopped into the car and drove home, we walked in and saw everyone gathered up "Did you tell them?" Vylad asked, Laurance nodded, I looked at Travis he was mad he didn't show it but I could tell 

Time skip Dante POV~

It's been over a week since Vylad's father broke out of prison, the weird thing is that there was no sign of him around, I thought for sure the moment he breaks out he would go for Zane or something but no, nothing. Then all of a sudden we saw a shadow out the window "What was that?" Vylad asked "I don't know. Stay here I'll go check" Garroth said and ran outside. There was a masive smash so we ran to the kitchen and saw Zane paralysed "Zane whats wrong?" Travis asked running up to him "There......there was a someone looking at me through the window he.....he looked like my father" Zane answered "Wait here I'll check " Travis said running outside as well ""Where is Garroth? he's been gone for a while" Vylad asked "I'll go look for him " Laurance said. Then out of nowhere we heard something upstairs "What....what was that?" Zane asked "I don't know wait a sec" I left Vylad and Zane in the kitchen and went upstairs 

Vylad POV~

Zane and I were waiting in the kitchen for everyone to come back then Zane looked at me horrified "Zane? whats wrong?" I asked, he slowly pointed to something behind me, I slowly turned around and stood in shock it was......it was him, he's here. I was too paralysed to scream for help or try and stop him. He quickly ran passed me and grabbed Zane and then in the blink of and eye they were gone. I started crying and fell on my knees panicking, I think everyone heard me because they all came in sprinting "What happened? where's Zane?" Garroth asked "He......he" I couldn't even speak anymore, even though I couldn't tell them they knew what happened to him "Vylad calm down and tell us what happened " Dante gave me a glass of water and sat down beside me " Well when Dante went upstairs to check what the noise was upstairs Zane pointed at me in horror " I told them everything that happened Travis and Garroth are furious and look like there gonna tare the house apart with they're own bare hands "I'm gonna kill that piece of shit of a father " Garroth whispered 

Laurance POV~

"We need to go find him. Lets go to the police, quick get ready " I said and ran to the car, everyone else followed and we drove to the station, we all ran in while Dante called the girls to inform them of what has happened. We told the police everything and they are starting an investigation. I just hope he's okay, I don't want anything bad happening to him and I just hope they find him before Garroth breaks his breaking point, this is turning into a bad week for all of us 

Hey sorry for not uploading in a while there are somethings that are going through my mind and I have some problems to deal with but I promise to upload more often bye my little cubs Misaki out XP

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