The note

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Dante POV~

It's been a while since Zane was kidnapped, ever single day we sit down in silence, no words, we cant even smile, Garroth is getting closer and closer to his breaking point which I'm afraid to see, suddenly I get a text from Katelyn

Text conversation between Katelyn and Dante 

Katelyn: Hey the girls and I are coming over and we are getting you out of the house whether you like it or not! >:( 

Dante: Katelyn we aren't in the mood 

Katelyn: I DON'T CARE >:(

"Guys the girls are coming over" Dante said emotionless "No, not today please" Vylad pleaded "I know I told them but they aren't listening" Dante told the them " Hey guys." Aphmau said walking into the living room, there was silence "Okay lets go out today" Aphmau told them "Not today Aph" Travis said "Look I know your mad and upset that Zane is gone and so are we but were at least trying to get our minds off of it and you should too, now move your asses or we'll kick them out!" She shouted, they  all jumped up and ran outside 

Aphmau POV~

We drove to the park beside a lake for a picnic, we put the blanket on the ground and sat down "So what will we do after the picnic?" Laurance asked "We'll be going for a walk in the forest " She answered. After they finished with the picnic they went to the forest for a walk and when they got back to the guys house they saw a note on the kitchen counter "What's that?" Vylad asked "I don't know" Travis answered, Garroth walked into the kitchen and took the note "Tell me are you happy without Zane? It seems you are and that you're not even looking for him and I thought you loved him" Garroth read the note out loud "Okay I'm done!" Garroth shouted and ran to his car "Garroth!" Laurance shouted and ran after him but he was too late and Garroth drove off. 

Garroth POV~

I had enough of this, I arrived at the police station "Hello can I talk to the chief?" I asked  "Sure go ahead" the woman at the desk said, I ran to the office and opened the door "Garroth?" The chief said "Chief when are you gonna find my brother this is crazy!" I shouted "We are doing everything we can" The chief said " Well it doesn't look like it. Have you tried to track them by their phone or something?" I asked "We are in the middle of that process, it seems they are  in a place with no signal  " The chief said  "Cheif we found their location" A coworker shouted "You have" I said excitedly "Yes " The coworker showed the location where they were then I  ran out "Wait Garroth!" The chief shouted "Thanks Chief" I thanked the chief and called my friends "Aphmau tell the guys I found where Zane is. I'll send you the address " I said hanging up 

Travis POV~

Aphmau told us that Garroth called and told her that he knows where Zane is, I immediately jumped up and said "where?" "I have the address lets go" Aphmau said, we all ran to the cars and drove off to the address. We finally arrived and saw that Garroth just arrived himself "This is it?" I asked, he nodded and we ran in breaking the door. We saw Zane on a chair tide up "Zane!" I shouted running to him "Wait!" Garroth warned me "He might be here " Garroth said looking around "Okay slowly go to him" Garroth said, I walked to Zane slowly and when I got to him I untied him "Let's get out of here" I said "Not so fast" The monster said "So you were here" Garroth said "I'm surprised it took you so long to find us" He said laughing "I'm afraid Zane wont be coming with you" He said I stood in front of  Zane and said coldly "Yes he will" "Very well" The monster said, he took a gun out and started shooting, I closed my eyes awaiting the bullet to hit me but nothing happened then when I open my eyes I sawZane in front of me  "ZANE!" We all shouted "Thank you for letting me know what happiness is, Garroth, Vylad I love you guys you are the best brothers I could ever ask for, I love you Travis, be happy for me, carry a smile for me....goodbye" Zane said his last words before falling asleep forever "ZANE NO! THIS CANT BE! NO ZANE YOUR ALRIGHT WAKE UP PLEASE!!" I screamed everyone started crying "You bloody murderer! I will end your life" Garroth said breaking way passed his breaking point, he ran and punched and kicked the murderer, he was out cold. The police and ambulance finally arrived, they took Zane's body and put it in the van while they took the monster and put him into the car "He'll be in captivity from now on, till his death. I'm so sorry for your loss" The chief walked off and we all drove home not saying a word just crying our eyes out. "I called my mom and told her everything" Vylad said sitting down "What's gonna happen now" Kawaii-Chan asked 

Okie that's all guys so sorry it was late I've been busy writing another book that my friend forced me to write about them so the next chapter might be late as well bye my little cubs Misaki out XP 

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