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Dante POV~

It has been a week since we found out about Zane's scar, Garroth is still mad at his father but he doesn't show it, his father has a black eye from the punch Garroth gave and its been a week since Obi left too. Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan decided we should all go and have some fun although Garroth and Zane are upset they have a good way to cover it, they never show their sadness. We all agreed to meet up at 3 pm at the cinema "Guys come on we have to go " I told the guys "Okay we'll be right there " Laurance said, after about 5 minutes the guys came "So you ready?" I asked "Yeah I hope Garroth and Zane have fun today " Travis said, we all looked down and said "Yeah " "Well we better go " Laurance said, we got to the cinema and saw the girls, Zane and Garroth waiting for us "What took you so long?" Katelyn asked "What do you mean its only 3:05 " I said we all laughed and went inside 

Laurance POV~

We all went inside and picked a movie to watch, for now Zane and Garroth look like they were having fun, after the movie we went shopping cause the girls really wanted to while they were doing that Garroth and I were outside at the side of the mall "So how are you doing with the whole Zane and your father thing?" I asked "I'm still very upset but having people like you makes things a whole lot better " He said and we kissed then out of no were we heard "GARROTH RO'MEAVE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT BOY " we looked at the direction the voice was coming from and it was GARROTH'S DAD! Oh god this isn't going to end well "Father what do you want " Garroth asked "What do I want? I want you to explain this whole thing. I am not going to have a gay son in this family now pick, move out or mental home " His father replied "WHAT THE FUCK? I'M NOT GOING TO A MENTAL SCHOOL! YOU KNOW WHAT! I'M MOVING " 

Travis POV~

We were walking out the mall when we heard Garroth shouting, we walked up to see what was happening when we saw Garroth shouting at his dad, we heard what Garroth said and when I looked at Zane he was gone "Garroth! Zane heard everything and he's gone!" I shouted "What!" Garroth ran passed me. We were all looking for Zane but he was no where to be seen, it was getting late and we still haven't found him "Garroth you should go home and check if he's there " I said "But what if he's not?" He asked "We'll stay here and look but you need to go, I know that you told your father that you'll move so you can move in with us " Laurance said "Really? that would be great " Garroth said and he got in his car and drove home 

Garroth POV~

I drove home and when I walked in the house my mother was standing in the hall crying "Garroth I'm so sorry this happened " She said "Mom it's okay I was going to move out sooner or later " I answered "I know but its fathers fault that this is happening " mother said "Mom its okay now I'm going upstairs and pack my things and you calm down okay?" I asked "Okay" She answered, I didn't mention what happened with Zane or that he's missing cause I didn't want her to worry even more so I went upstairs and  started packing, after I was done I went into Zane's room to see if he's there but nothing, I left the house and drove to the guys house I walked in and went to the living room "Did you find him?" I asked, they looked down and shook their heads in depression, I sighed and said "Where are you baby brother 

Next Day~Zane POV~ 

I was gone all night last night, I was walking home for hours my parents house is far from the mall we were in and I didn't have enough money for a taxi or a bus so I had to walk, when I got home it was super late and when I walked into Garroth's room his things were gone "Why big brother? why? I need you so so much " I started crying and fell to the floor, I slept the whole night on the ground. I woke up and remembered that Garroth is gone from this house, there was no school today and if I stay home then father will beat me up so I walked up to Travis' house and knocked on the door. I waited for a while then the door opened, it was Travis he gasped and hugged me really tightly 

Travis POV~

"Travis who's at the door?" Garroth asked, I didn't answer I was too busy hugging Zane I was soooo happy he came back, I heard someone come down then I heard a gasp, I looked and saw Garroth running up to us, I stepped away and Garroth hugged Zane "Zane where were you all night?" Garroth asked very worried "I was walking home all night " Zane answered "WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME " I said "I didn't want to, I'm sorry " He replied "Well I'm glad your alright " Garroth said "Come in " I said, we walked in the living room and everyone ran to hug Zane "Oh damn it, I totally forgot I have that basketball game tomorrow, I gotta go practice " I said "Oh I can help you " Zane says "What you play basketball?" I asked "Uh I don't think that's a good idea Zane " Vylad said "Why?" Zane asked "Because you know how you play basketball " Garroth said "Oh come on he can't be that bad, come on Zane lets play one on one I'll go easy on you " I said "Biiiiiiggggggggg mistake " Garroth, Vylad and Zane said at the same time, I looked at them in confusion 

Okie that's all sorry I didn't update sooner bye my little cubs Tigress out : ) 

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