Travis' Feelings

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Vylad POV~

"Garroth I can tell you why Zane was sobbing every night......" I said, Garroth gasped and looked at me in shock "Why? why was he crying? tell me please Vylad " He asked me getting really worried "He......he cries because." I stopped for a second and started talking again "He cries because father injures him while your gone here and every night he cries  because father threatens him if he tells you he'll be in huge danger so that's why he cries, he didn't tell me but every night I would hear him sobbing and saying "where are you big brother I need you please tell me your going to be home all day tomorrow " father doesn't hurt him when your home cause he knows you'll protect Zane" I told Garroth everything, he looked at the direction where Zane left, Garroth then turned around with a mad face and started to walk away "wait where are you going? " I shouted to him "HOME " he shouted back to me, I ran up to Garroth"Garroth stop you don't even know why father hurts him " "THEN WHY VYLAD? WHY DOES FATHER HURT ZANE? TELL ME! TELL ME VYLAD" Garroth looked at me in pain, I looked at him then at the ground "Father hurts him cause Zane is gay " Garroth gasped and started walking home 

Garroth POV~

I couldn't take it anymore, I hate hearing that someone hurt my baby brother, I started walking home when I saw Travis beside me "Garroth please let me come with you " Travis asked "No you stay here in case Zane comes back okay?" I asked "Okay but don't be too long and come back to us " I nodded and walked back home, I kicked the door down "What the hell Garroth " Farther looked at me with a "What do you think your doing " face "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BABY BROTHER!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs "Garroth what are you talking about?" he asked nervously "YOU KNOW WELL WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! YOU SON OF A UGHHHH" I couldn't take it, I walked up to him and punched him across the face, he fell to the floor and I left then I got  a call from Travis 

Travis: Hey Garroth you need to come here FAST Obi and Zane are back and Obi found something out about Zane 

Me: Why? what happened? what else was he hiding from me 

Travis: Obi's not telling us he said he'll tell after you come 

Me: Fine I'll be there in a minute

Travis POV~

I was waiting outside when I heard Zane's voice "Zane you have to tell them " "I don't want to Obi " "Tell who what?" I asked "Zane has a-" Obi was cut off by Zane "Its nothing " "Zane I wont let you keep this a secret, whatever it is you WILL tell us " I said to him, he sighed in defeat I called Garroth to get over here after a couple minutes he came "So whats wrong " Garroth asked "That's what we want to know too" I said "Well Obi speak " I said and he sighed "  Zane.......Zane has a big scar on his face " Obi told us (By the way guys in my books Zane will always have a scar on his face don't ask why ) we all gasped "Who gave the scar " Garroth asked trying to sound calm "Father "Zane replied then Garroth pulled Zane's mask down and I looked at it, I had a weird feeling I walked up to him and hugged him "Zane tell me why did he do this and with what " I asked still hugging him I could hear his heart betting hard "I.....I don't want you to know " he answered

Zane POV~

I was so shocked when Travis hugged me but it felt really nice, he is very warm he asked me why my father did this to me, I didn't what to tell him that I'm gay "Zane please tell me " He said "The....... the reason why my father did this was because.. because my dad found out I'm gay and he hates bisexuals so he took a knife and scared me " I told everyone about what happened and for some reason it felt relieving but for some reason when I said it Travis hugged me tighter and I hugged him then started crying "that's why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want you to know that I'm gay " "Zane I don't care if your gay I'll still be here for you " Travis said

Travis POV~

What is this feeling is it a good feeling is the feeling Love?

Okie that's all bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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