The date

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Travis POV~

I woke up to see that it was 11:00, I fell out of bed but quickly but got up and got dressed then I went down to the kitchen and I saw Laurance and Garroth eating "Mornin' " I said they looked at me and said hey back  "Are we the only ones up?" I asked " Dante stayed up late last night and Zane always wakes up late " Laurance said "So when are you taking my brother on the date?" Garroth asks "In an hour " I answered "Okay I'll wake him, if I wont he'll sleep till 2 haha" then Laurance left to wake Zane and it was only me and Garroth in the kitchen "Listen Garroth I hope you don't mind me going out with Zane, I know he's your little brother and all and I know what your father did to him and don't worry I'll treat him right " Garroth and I started talking heart-to-heart "Travis don't worry I trust you a lot man, I know your a good guy plus I know Zane likes you a lot too. Just one thing if you hurt him badly I will come for you " Garroth sounded so sweet until that last part which I can't argue with 

Laurance POV~

I walked up the stairs into Zane's room, I saw him there sleeping he looks so peaceful but sadly I had to wake him up so he could get ready for his date with Travis, I kneeled down beside him when I saw his hands filled with scars I couldn't help but be sad  "Zane it's time to wake up " I said "No " he grunted "If you don't you'll miss your date with Travis and he'll be sad that you stood him up " I said "What? what time is it ?" He shot up and I started laughing "It's 11:10, now get up you need to eat and get ready, go shower first " I told him so he got up and went to shower, I went back down "Is he up?" Garroth asked I told them he was but ten I started laughing because of  what happened with him, Travis looked at me confused and asked what was so funny "Oh nothing " They both looked at each other and shrugged, then after about 20 minutes Zane came down "Hey " he said "Get enough sleep?" Garroth asked "No" Zane answered "How come?" Travis asked " I spent too much time playing on my laptop last night " He said "Well done " I said "Hey Zane?" Travis asked "Yeah?" Zane asked "Amm my parents want to meet you sometime " Travis answered Zane was drinking some water when Travis said that and he spat it all out "WHAT!?" Zane yelled "Why is it bad?" Travis asked sadly "Well no but I'm just afraid they'll hate me " Zane answered "Don't worry they wont hate you " Travis assured

Zane POV~

After eating breakfast and getting ready Travis and I leave for our date, I'm so nervous I think I'm shaking "Hey there's no reason to be nervous you know "Travis said with a smile "Yeah well this is my first date " I said "Its okay you're in safe hands" we finally got to a beautiful lake with warm wind blowing and the sun shining above it "Wow it's so beautiful " I said "I know right me and my parents would come here to have a picnic, it's always beautiful here no matter what season it is, when its winter the trees have icicales on them and the lake would be frozen so its good for skating" I asked if we were having a picnic and he looked at e with a smile and told me we were "Is that okay with you?" "Yeah its great " we stat down and talked and laughed then after what seemed like forever it was night and we looked up at the starts "Wow the starts are amazing and bright " Travis looked at me and said "Zane I......I love you " I was shocked and blushed madly but I finally found the words to say what I wanted "Travis I love you too " Then I leaned in and kissed him "wow I was shocked to see you kissing me " we got our things and went home "You're finally back " Laurance said "Yep now I'm going to bed night " I said  

Time skip One week later still Zane~ 

A week has passed and we were going to get Vylad from the hospital so that he could go home and say bye to Travis to be honest I'm going to miss him "Well I better get going bye guys " Travis said "Travis I have something for you " I said 

Okie that's all Hope you enjoyed bye guys Misaki out : )

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