Plans with friends

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Zane POV~

When I was walking to my class I wasn't looking and I bumped into someone, I looked at him and he looked at me in the eyes, his eyes were so green that they looked like fields, I stood up and he told me his name, it was a really nice name, I didn't really want to tell him my name as I was a bit shy but eventually I told him my name, I went to sit down and he followed me, I sat down in the back and he sat beside me but I didn't say a word "Mr.Valkrum the principle wants to see you about next week" "who is Valkrum? "I thought to myself, the next thing I see is Travis standing up and saying "see ya later Zane " he walked out of the class the rest of the class was straight forward. It was finally lunch, I walked out of the class and saw Garroth standing beside my locker "hey big brother what are you doing? " I asked he looked at me and responded " Hey, I just came to get you so that we could go eat " I put my books into my locker and followed my brother into the lunch room "hey Garroth over here " I heard a girly voice, I looked over and I saw a girl with black hair wave over at us, I dug my face into my mask and I followed Garroth. He sat down at the table and I sat beside him "So Garroth who is this?" A girl with blue hair asked, I looked down not saying a word "This is my little brother Zane, Zane these are our friends Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, Aphmau, Dante, Aaron and Laurance " "Hey "everyone greeted me, I looked at them, I was shocked I never had anyone be so nice to me 

Laurance POV~

Garroth introduced us to his little brother Zane, I couldn't really see his face cause he had it buried in his mask "Aphmau no I won't " Katelyn said "Whats up? " I asked "Aphmau wants me to have a pony tea party with her " Katelyn answered "Pony tea party?" Garroth asked "You know the show that she watches " Vylad said "Oh that show, now I get it " Garroth said realising what they meant "I know who would like to go to the tea party "Garroth said "Who? don't tell me your a fan of the show too?" I asked, I looked at him and he looked at Zane and said "So baby brother you up for it? " I looked at him in shock, Zane blushed and looked down "He's also a fan of that show " Garroth added "Oh Zane please will you come to the tea party? please please please please please " Aphmau pleaded, Zane looked at her in shock like he just saw an angle, I couldn't see his mouth but I could tell he was happy just by looking at his eyes "Oh okay sure I-I'd be happy to j-just tell me when " He answered, Aphmau was so happy that she started squealing then Travis walked up "So what did you get into trouble for this time?" I asked laughing "Ha ha for your information the principle only wanted to talk to me about the basketball tournament, wait who'd you know that I got sent there?" Travis asked

Travis POV~

I was walking into the lunch room and saw Aphmau squealing, I walked up and started talking to the guys then I saw the black haired boy with a mask sitting beside Garroth "Travis have you met my baby brother Zane?" Garroth asked "Yeah actually when I was walking to class he bumped into me " I answered "I have to go " Zane said standing up and walking away from us "Zane wait " Vylad said going after him "What happened? did I saw something wrong?" I asked worried "No don't worry he's just not used to being around so many nice people " Garroth answered " Why? was he a bad boy or something?" Katelyn asked "No in his old school the teachers hated him, they wouldn't let him switch classes and the students would bully him, the only people that were nice to him was myself, Vylad, mum and father, we weren't that close in the past but because he was getting bullied he finally started to open up to me " Garroth said upset, I felt so sorry for Zane, I don't know what I'd do if that happened again, I wanted to let Zane know that we're all here for him. I left the guys and followed Zane and Vylad, while I was walking I heard people gasping and I started to run. I stopped and saw Vylad pined agents the wall and Zane on the floor getting kicked in the stomach, I ran up to the guys that were bullying them "Hey what do you think your doing?! " I shouted at them they looked at me and ran off "Vylad are you okay?" I asked he nodded and looked over at Zane "Get your brother " I told Vylad to go and get Garroth, he nodded and went off, I looked at Zane he looked so weak "Zane are you okay?" I asked he didn't say anything then I saw Garroth and the guys running over, I helped Zane stand up "Zane who did this to you " Garroth growled "I-Its okay I'm fine " Zane answered "No your not look at your face " I said he had a black eye, I looked down and I could see blood "Zane! quick we need to get him to the nurse's office " I said holding him as I was walking. Those jerks are going to pay, but why do I care so much is it because his one of my friends now or something else?

Okie well that's all hope you like it I'll try to have a new chapter tomorrow bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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