At the funeral

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Garroth pov~

It was three days after Zane death and everyone can't stop crying, granted I can't blame them, I woke up in the morning and got ready for Zane's funeral, I couldn't help but cry all the way through. When I entered the room everyone stared at me and came up shaking my hand and saying they were sorry for my loss, after a while we started the ceremony and I was asked to speak, I walked up and looked at everyone and spoke "Hello, I'm Garroth Ro'meave, I'm Zane's older brother......" I couldn't help but to start crying "this.....this shouldn't have happened to him, of all people why him? He went through a lot, he had scars on his hands, legs and back and that's because of our father who is in prison now. Zane's last words were "I love you all please stay happy for me, smile" I wish there was something I could do, all I did was sit there watch my brother die I.....I can't I'm sorry" I started crying and fell on my knees, Laurance ran up to me and held me in his arms "shhhhh it's okay it's okay" he whispered. We sat back down and it was Travis' turn to talk

Travis pov~

I felt really bad for Garroth, it's not easy for him right now, not for anybody, I stood up and walked up, I looked at everyone "Ladies and gentlemen hello I'm Travis, I'm Zane's boyfriend. I wish I could say that I'm happy that Zane is in a better place where he won't be hurt or alone but I can't, yes he is in a better place but he's gone and nothing can change that, we all love him and the only place we can see him is in our dreams, we will remember him in our memory, I love Zane it was increadably hard for me to see him die in my arms. I......I'm sorry I can't say any more" I sat down back in my seat and Dante embraced me with a hug. It was hard for me, I couldn't say anything else or I would have broken down.

Time skip, Laurance pov~

It has been days after Zane's funeral and Travis has been acting strange, I walked up to Travis' room " hey Travis you hungry?" There was no reply so I asked again and he responded with a no, I left Travis alone and went downstairs to where everyone else is, the only thing you could hear was the TV playing and no one was watching it.

Dante POV~

It's been a few hours and Travis was pretty quiet so I go up and check up on him, I knock on the door but there's no answer, I knocked again and still nothing, I open the door and see blood, "GUYS GET UP HERE QUICK!" the guys heard me and ran upstairs "Dante what is it!?" They look in Travis' room and freak out, they start crying so much and so did I "there's a note" Vylad pointed out, I told the note and started reading it " what does it say?!" I look at them worried "It says....."

Alright guys sorry for such a short chapter and so so so so sorry for not uploading I've been very busy well see you next chapter bye my little cubs Misaki out XP

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