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Zane POV~

I was standing there paralysed, I bet I was red as a tomato "So? what do you say?" Travis asked "Am.....am" I was thinking of the right words to say "Am...yes I'll go on a date with you " I answered, I looked at him and he was as happy, like a child getting a puppy for Christmas "Okay tomorrow I'll pick you up at 3 okay? and wear something fancy" I nodded my head then I see Vylad skating up to me and I see Garroth asking Travis to skate to him  "So did he ask you out?" Vylad asked "Yeah he did " "And what did you say?" he asked "I said yes " I replied then my brother started squealing like a girl "So the ship will sail after all " I blushed at what he said. We skated for a while until we decided to go get something to eat, after we ate and laughed and talked everyone went to the girls house to get their things, Aaron, Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan stayed home while Dante and Travis went to the guys house and me, Garroth and Vylad we all went to our parents house so I can tell my mother that I'm moving out and that I can get my things. When we arrived at the house we walked in and heard a big bang "Mom? is everything okay?" Garroth asked, the moment Garroth said that I saw a women I've never seen before "Oh Garroth, Zane, Vylad your here, huh? yes everything is fine I just dropped the plates that's all " My mother was clearly lying, the guys might not see it but I do, I see her through her clear as a window "Mom I need to tell you something and father too " Garroth said "What was he up to?" I thought to myself 

Garroth POV~ 

I was going to tell my parents that Zane was moving out and that father was hurting Zane. "Okay lets go into the kitchen, I'll ask Laurance's mother to leave is that okay with you?" She asked looking at her "Yes I can see its a family thing " she was walking out then "No its okay you can stay " I said "Are you sure Garroth?" "Yes " I said with a smile "Well all right then " we walking into the kitchen were we saw our father sitting there "Huh? what are two doing here?" He asked he seemed all friendly its pathetic that he tries to act like that "Mom please sit down" I began "Mom, father there's something Zane wants to tell you, go on Zane " I said to him "Mom, father I'm moving out and I'm moving in with Garroth and Vylad " I could see that my mother was begging to tear up "And there's one more thing " I said "Huh? Garroth what are you doing?" Zane asked "Mom.....fathers been hurting Zane " I took Zane's hand and pulled up his sleeves, my mother gasped with pain "He's been cutting him and beating him up and he threatens him too, he does this when they're alone at home " When I finished I could see my father mad "How dare you....you weren't suppose to tell anyone about this, I guess I have to punish you now " My father swung a fist to my brother but I stopped it "How dare he....HOW DARE YOU. YOU BEAT HIM UP, YOU CUT HIM, YOU COULD HAVE ENDING HIS LIFE, HE COULD HAVE DONE THAT HIMSELF, BUT HE DIDN'T, HE KNEW THAT THE PEOPLE HE CARED ABOUT WOULD SUFFER IF HE DID BUT YOU, YOU HAVE NO HEART AND DID ALL OF THIS, DON'T THINK I'M NOT GOING TO PROTECT MY BROTHER AND LET HIM GET AWAY WITH LYING TO ME NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID " I started crying in the middle of my sentence, I looked at my father, no at the monster, with cold bloody demon eyes, he was so afraid his fist began to weaken. Then I see him grab a knife and trying to stab me then out of nowhere Vylad jumps in and takes the stab for me "VYLAD!?" My mother screamed "I'm calling the police Zianna, you look after Vylad Zane and call the ambulance, Garroth keep that monster away from all of us " Laurance's mom doesn't hesitate one bit into calling the police, she's always been a good person that's how her and my mom met and because of  them Laurance and I found each other

Time skip when the ambulance and police arrive Third person~

Dante and the rest of the guys came running up to Garroth and Zane "What happened?!" Dante asked "We saw the police and ambulance coming to your houses so we thought something happened and we were right " Travis said " we told our mom about that monster hurting Zane then he tried to punch him, I grabbed his fist and he tried to stab me but the next minute I see is Vylad in front of me taking the stab for me " Garroth started crying and so did Zane, then Garroth's and Laurance's moms come up "Mom? what are you doing here " Laurance asked " I was at their house when everything happened, I was the one who called the police, Zianna held Vylad, Garroth kept the monster from attacking and Zane called the ambulance " Laurance's mom explained "Where's Vylad?" Dante asked "He's at the hospital " Zane answers "The police just wants to ask us some questions and we can go to the hospital to see Vylad but right now he is getting surgery" Garroth answers "Mom? " Zane asks "Yes Zane? " she asked "I know you lied about you dropping the plates, what really happened?" Zane asked "Yeah I was in the bathroom when it happened so I don't know what happened " Laurance's mom said "Well I guess I need to be honest since he cant hurt me anymore.... your father did the same thing to me as he did to Zane, I thought it was only me he was doing it to and I was hopping but no my own child had to suffer" Zianna said crying they were all under and big tree then Zane and Garroth both punched the tree making it crack hard "He's gonna pay for what he did" They both said in sync 

Okie that's all for today I'll have another chapter next week bye my little cubs Misaki out : ) nya  

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