The match

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Garroth POV~

Travis is making a huge mistake by playing with Zane. They were getting ready for the match, I was the ref "Ready Zane?" I asked he nodded "Travis?" I asked he nodded "Alright best out of 3, ready?" I blew the whistle and we started, the ball is up in the air and its Zane's, even though Zane is shorter than Travis he still got it. Zane ran across the court, first basket is Zane's "What the, how?" Travis was confused "Sorry was I going to hard?" Zane asked, we all laughed "Alright I'm not going easy on you anymore " Travis said and we all laughed. Travis has the ball he ran across the court when Zane got the ball off him and ran to the basket and another basket for Zane 

Travis POV~

I was getting beat by Zane, how is he so good? I had the ball and I ran to the basket when he got it again, I ran after him and I got the ball back then ran to the basket, he ran faster this time he tried to grab it but I turned in time, I shot the ball and a basket for me. We kept on playing "Next basket wins " Garroth shouted, I had the bal,l I ran to the basket and I took my shot then as the ball was flying, out of no where Zane jumped and grabbed it, he ran to the other basket and he won "And the winner is Zane " Garroth announced, Zane went off to get the ball "How is he so good?" I asked "When Zane was younger he would play a lot of basketball by himself cause he didn't have friends to play with and he would play it to get away from the cruel world, then one day a famous couch saw how amazing he plays and asked him to play for him " Garroth answered "That was him?!" I asked yelling "Yep that famous Zane Ro'meave " Garroth said "Oh my god I saw him win the championship then when I found out that he was younger that me it made me want to play basketball even more, I cant believe I was playing with the famous Zane Ro'meave" I was so happy then Zane came back "Well done Zane " Garroth said then Zane turned around and smiled at me, he didn't have his mask on so I saw him smile he looked so cute, wait why did I just think that? do I..... like Zane? I...I think I do "Zane at the start I thought when your brothers said those things I thought they meant that you were bad at basketball, clearly I was wrong and then Garroth told me that you are the famous Zane Ro'meave and I was so happy, you are my idle since I was 10, I saw you win the championship since then I was a big fan of yours " I said to him "'re my fan?" He asked "I'm your biggest fan " I looked at Zane and he was blushing he looked adorable 

Zane POV~

Travis is my fan? wow I never had a fan before, it was getting late and I had to go home " Garroth I should go home " I said "Awww your leaving? please stay a little while longer " Vylad asked " Sorry baby brother I should go home, mom will be worried " I said "Then I'll call her and tell her that your here " Garroth said "Please " Travis asked "ammmmm I don't know " I said thinking "Please you can also say over night if you like " Travis said "ammmmm fine " "yay" Travis shouted we all laughed "Okay I'm going to call mom that your staying here " Garroth said walking to the hall way "Well done by the way on the basketball match " Travis said "Thanks " I said smiling "Can I ask you something?" Travis asked " Sure " I said, he looked at me and said " Could you teach me how to do those tricks? " I looked at him and said "Sure now or" "Ammm can you do it now please cause tomorrow I have the match " He said "amm okay lest go outside" we went outside, it was already dark. We practised for hours then we finally finished  and Travis was getting better "your getting better but there is one more move you still don't know " I said "What is it " Travis asked " The Ro'meave champion " I said, he looked at me and said "do you really think I'm ready for that?" he asked "Yeah, now when you  have the ball you run to the basket, if there are people in front of you then you pass them with spins then you wait at the basket and look at the other team they'll be running over to you so what you do is you run to the corner and from there you take your shot, if you aim well then you'll get a basket " I explained the move to Travis, he seemed amazed, I guess that was because while I was explaining I was demonstrating it "Hey guys what you doing?" Dante asked " Nothing much just showing Travis 'The Ro'meave champion ' move " I said "Oh yeah that awesome move won that champion " Dante said "yeah that's why I named it that " I said "well I'm going in, Garroth said you have 5 more minutes and you have to go in cause were watching a movie " Dante said while leaving then Travis looked at me and I looked at him, he came closer to me, he put his hand on my cheek and he rubbed his thumb on my scar "I wish I could've been there to protect you " Travis said, he came closer, the moon light was shining on us when he kissed me 

Okie that's all for now Merry Christmas everybody bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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