Last chapter. Goodbye my good friends.

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HEYYYYYYYYYY guys so so so sorry for not uploading for almost a year or so but theres been a lot of things going on for me. I hope you'll all enjoy this last chaper. Thank you so much all of you for all of your support. 

Vylad POV~

I hold back my cry to read the note travis left us and everyone runs and holds Travis and try to wake him up. " the note says. Thank you guys for all those memories. I am very grateful to all of you, I'm sorry but I couldn't go any longer without Zane, I love him way too much, I hope you all understand, goodbye my good friends. " I couldn't hold it anymore and started bursting with tears. An ambulance came a few minutes later and took Travis, in the hospital they declared him dead. 

Garroth POV~ 

 After a few days we had Travis' funeral. First my brother and now Travis... why? Laurance nudged my arm making me come back to reality and when I look up, I can see people are waiting for me to go up and make a speach. I slowly get out of my seat and make my way up. I look at everyone and then at Travis' body. " Hello and welcome, I'm Garroth Ro'meave one of Travis' friends. Travis was a boyfriend to my brother Zane who is also gone from this wrold " I paused for a moment and started crying. "If Zane wouldn't have died Travis would be here too, we would all be smiling and laughing but sadly this is reality, after my baby brother died Travis couldn't take the depression and killed himself, his last words were "I'll meet you all up in heaven in a coulpe of years, I did this so I could see Zane again. I'll watch you from up above" If there weren't crule people in this world both Zane and Travis would be here, I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like when I wake up and realise this isn't a dream, they're really gone. We'll miss you Travis look after Zane. Thank you" I went back to my seat and looked at the ground. 

Laurance POV~

I watched as Garroth came back and sat down. I took his hand and held it tight. After the funeral things just weren't the same. Days went by, sad days, happy days, no one ever mentioned about Travis or Zane but if they did everyone would just go silent. All the happiness around would be killed and everyone would remember the horror they have seen those two days. I went outside and sat down looking up at the stars when I heard Garroth come and he sat next to me " How do you think they are? " I asked " Happy." Garroth replied " So this is reality? Seeing people you love dying? " I asked again " It is " Garroth replied " We'll see them again dont worry" He said, I satrted to tear up and Garroth hugged me "Soon " I said.

Well guys this is it. BTW there will NOT be a second part this is how the story ends. I'm sorry, I hope you all enjoyed this book BYE BYE love you all!!!!!!!!!!!! Misa out!

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