Those guys

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Dante POV~

Garroth, Laurance, Aphmau, Katelyn, Aaron, Kawaii-Chan and I were talking when we saw Vylad running up to us, I stood up and ran over to him, he was panting hard " " I barely understood what he was saying but then Garroth came up and asked "What happened are you okay baby brother?" Vylad finally caught his breath and started speaking " I was running after Zane when I saw him getting bullied so I walked over and one of those guys pinned me against the wall, one of the guys punched Zane in the stomach and he fell down then they started kicking him " after we heard what Vylad had told us we all ran following Vylad, we ran to the hallway and saw Travis helping Zane out, we ran up to them and brought Zane to the nurse's office, we waited outside the door "Hey bud you okay?" I asked Travis who seemed very nervous for some reason, I mean I am worried too but he seems to be more worried out of all of us " Huh? Oh yeah I'm grand" he answered "Come on be honest, I'm your best friend you can tell me anything you know " I told him that he can trust me because he can we've been friends for a long time now " I guess, I just didn't like what I heard about Zane and I wanted to help him and when I saw him there getting beat up I couldn't help but protect him, I guess that reminded me of my childhood, I felt so sorry for him that I couldn't help but run over " Travis was honest with me by telling me everything I was happy that he trusted me

Vylad POV~

I'm so worried about Zane, I will make those guys pay for they did and I bet so will Garroth, for some reason Travis seems to be more worried then I am. I was looking down thinking what could be wrong with Zane then I felt a pair of hands wrap round my neck, my head swung up and my eyes shot open then I saw short blue hair, I realised that it was Dante I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist "Don't worry Zane will be alright trust me " his voice sounded so sweet and gentle, I went with my instincts not bothered to think and hugged him tighter, I buried my face into his chest though I wasn't crying, I felt a really weird feeling in my stomach like I was about to through-up. I felt like I didn't want that moment to end but sadly it had to, Dante eventually pulled away I looked into his eyes and he smiled at me with his warm comforting  smile and I felt like I was blushing which I probably was then I heard the office door open, I moved my gaze from Dante to the nurse, we all looked at her "Zane will be fine he just need to rest for a bit " The nurse walked back inside her office and Zane walked out, we all walked up to Zane "Zane are you okay?" Garroth asked "Yeah I'm fine thanks " Zane answered but he seemed a little weak so I took his arm and wrapped it around my neck "thanks baby brother" Zane said looking at me but I couldn't see him smiling cause of his mask 

Garroth POV~

Those guys are going to pay for this I will not let them get away with this, we helped Zane pack his things and we went home, while we were walking Vylad stopped and we turned back and looked at him, his face turned from shock to anger "Vylad whats up?" Dante asked, he didn't answer he walked past us giving Dante and me the cold shoulder "YOU!" he shouted walking over to three guys "What going on?" Aphmau asked Zane looked up and gasped "Zane?" Travis asked "Those......those are the guys that were kicking me " I immediately got mad and walked over to those guys, while I was walking I saw Travis in the corner of my eye he looked mad as well, I get it if it was me or Vylad but why him? why could he possibly care so much? I know the others care too but they're not going to fight "You guys are going to pay for what you did!" Travis shouted, now that shocked me and I bet it shocked the others too 

Zane POV~

I was really shocked that Travis cared so much, I didn't look what happened I didn't want to see what happened, the three of them came back and it was really hard for me to look at Travis, we walked to someones house "where are we?"I asked Garroth, he looked at me and answered "This is Laurance's, Dante's and Travis' house, I come here after school with Vylad for a bit " "So that's why I don't see you every day after school " I said, we walked into the house it was quite big, I took a step in the hallway and my stomach started to hurt, Travis quickly ran up and grabbed me, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the living room then he put me down on the couch "you know I could've just walked " I said to him "I know but I don't want you to get hurt " Travis said back, I was sitting on the couch with Dante, Vylad and Travis for some reason Garroth and Laurance weren't here "Hey guys does anyone know where Garroth and Laurance are?" I asked "Probably making out in Laurance's bed " Dante said "Wha-what?" I asked confused "Did you just say making out?" I asked "Yeah, why you didn't know? Oh no Garroth is in trouble " Dante answered realising I didn't know that my brother is gay "Where is Laurance's room?" I asked, they looked at me as if they didn't want to find out what I'd do to him, finally Travis told me so I stood up and walked to Laurance's room, I swung open the door and they quickly looked at me, I was shocked at what I saw "So it is true how could you Garroth, I thought we didn't have any secrets between us especially from that day " I ran out of the house crying from pain, half of the pain was because of my brother keeping secrets and the other from my stomach, I saw the guys running after me then I was stopped by the three guys that bullied me "Now where do you think your going? " One of them said, I felt the place getting darker I felt like I was falling then I felt a pair of hands catch me and a deep voice saying "Get away from him " then darkness

Okie that's all sorry if it was a bit sad but I'm not in my usual mood hope you liked it bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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