old friends

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Travis POV~

I felt really bad for Zane, I didn't know that he didn't know about Garroth and Laurance, I guess Garroth never told him. We were running after Zane when he fell but.....someone caught him "Get away from him " he had a deep voice and he was quite tall, we all caught up to Zane and that guy, I kneeled down and the guy handed Zane to me "Hold him for a sec would ya?" he asked, I took Zane and he walked up to the guys that bullied Zane " Listen here and listen good cause I'm only going to say this once STAY AWAY FROM ZANE!" he shouted that last part, the guys got scared and ran off he came back and picked Zane up "who are you?" Laurance asked "It doesn't matter right now what we need to do is get Zane somewhere to rest " He said avoiding our question "Here follow me " Dante told him, we all went to our house and the guy put Zane down on the couch and wen't outside "Wait aren't you going to wait till Zane wakes up?" I asked he turned his head and said "I'll be waiting for him just tell him that " and he jumped up a tree like it was no big deal "was he a ninja?" I thought to myself and he disappeared into the trees, I went back inside and walked up to the couch Zane started to wake up a bit 

Zane POV~ 

I woke up and saw I was back in the guys house, I sat up and asked "What happened?" I gasped " who was that guy that caught me ?" I looked at everyone "He didn't tell us his name he was quite tall, he had black hair and yellow eyes, he carried you here and when he put you down he went outside and I asked him if he was going to stay and he told me to tell you that he'll be waiting for you but then he just jumped up a tree and disappeared " Travis told me "Wait he jumped up a tree?" Dante asked and Travis replied "I know I was surprised to I think he's a ninja" I gasped again then I jumped off the couch and ran outside, everyone followed me when I looked around I didn't see him but then I turned to the guys and something fell behind me "Hello old friend, nice to see you " I turned around I was really happy of what I saw "OBI!" I shouted (btw Obi is just a character I wanted to put in if you've ever seen akagami no shirayukihime then you would know him I just think hes really cool so I put him in he's not here for the whole story don't worry ) I hugged him so tightly "Woah bud you're really happy to see me I guess" Obi said laughing, I smiled and said "Well obviously I missed you so much " "better be careful of what you say, you might sound like a guy who's in love with me " Obi joked "Don't worry your not woman enough for me " I replied and we both laughed "Its good to see you again "Obi said smiling at me "Do you want to go for a swing?" Obi asked I looked at him and said "Sure why not, like old times " we ran to a tree and jumped up, we started running on branches jumping from one tree to another until we were gone 

Dante POV~

"I didn't know Zane could do that, I swear they're like ninjas and who is that Obi guy Garroth? do you know?" I asked looking at him, he looked at me "When Zane was younger he loved climbing trees until one day he was climbing a tree and met Obi, they got along very well, too well actually, they would do everything together, the day I met Obi I knew there was something about him that he didn't tell anyone so I thought it was just his past and I was right he told Zane, Vylad and me about his past it was a really painful story, Zane felt really bad he felt as if it happened to him, Obi told him not to worry about it, I'm not going to tell you about Obi's past cause that's a personal matter but one thing I can say is he used to be a criminal but then went to work somewhere and we never saw him again, Zane was heartbroken when Obi left, I guess Obi followed Zane all day and saw what happened to him " Garroth replied, that was a very sad story if that was sad then Obi's story must really be heart breaking "Wow I didn't know he had it rough, both Zane and Obi " Aphmau said we saw Zane and Obi come back "wow you guys were fast " Vylad said "Well we didn't want to go far, oh god I haven't raced like that in years that felt good " Obi said, Garroth walked up to Zane putting his hand on Zane's shoulder "Zane-" Garroth was cut off by Zane slapping Garroth's hand away "Don't think I haven't forgotten what you did!" Zane shouted at Garroth

Garroth POV~

He was truly mad, I guess I can't fix that but I'll try "Zane I know your mad but please, I didn't tell you because I knew you would tell dad and you know what dad will do if he ever finds out and plus I didn't tell you cause I knew something was wrong with you, I knew you were hiding something from me so I thought if you told me I would tell you, every night I hear you sobbing in your room about something and you never told me so I...... I'm sorry " I was really honest with him "Garroth I'm.......I'm sorry too I should have told you, I promise not to tell father " Zane said "Well since we're not keeping secrets anymore I guess I should tell you that I'm moving in with Laurance, Dante and Travis " I told him "You're....you're leaving?" Zane asked walking backwards "Zane?" I asked, he ran off and jumped up a tree Obi followed him and like that they were gone again "Garroth I can tell you why Zane was sobbing every night......." 

Okie that is all I hope you don't mind me putting in Obi he wont be here for long bye my little cubs Tigress out : )    

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