Ice skating

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Vylad POV~

I was so happy to hear that my big brother was moving in with us, but still I can't believe our father did something like this "Zane? " I looked up at him, he looked down at me "Yeah?" he asked "You know how your moving in with us" I said "Yeah?" "Well when are you moving?" I asked, he looked up and started thinking "How about after the sleepover us three could go to moms and fathers house and you could get your things how about that?" Garroth asked "Yeah sounds like a plan " I said, we all agreed to the idea and went back to the others "Oh yeah we still don't know Travis' answer to the question, so Travis do you have a crush on Zane? " Katelyn asked "Amm......" Everyone was waiting for him to answer, the girls looked like they were so anxious to find out if their ship will sail, yeah everyone ships me and Dante, Laurance and Garroth, Travis and Zane and Aphmau and Aaron "I...." He was barely talking, I looked at Garroth and saw he had his famous "Be careful what you say " look, then he finally told us his answer "I do " The girls screamed madly shacking the house and shattering our ear drums. I turned to Zane, he was blushing madly and I looked at Travis, he seemed fine now "Okay so we know his answer now we can move on" "Wait Aph what time are we going ice skating? " Garroth asked "Amm....9:45 we wanna go there early so that the ice would be better is that okay?" "yeah " Garroth answered 

Garroth POV~

We all decided to watch a movie since it was getting late and we don't want the girls screaming over there ships, we all put out our sleeping bags down and I was cuddling with Laurance while Dante and Vylad were together too. I looked at Travis and Zane, they were sitting beside each other but it doesn't look like they were comfortable, it looked very awkward. I looked away to watch the movie after the movie ended we went to bed and we all fell asleep pretty quickly, the next morning I woke up it was 8:07 "I guess I gotta get up " I said to myself and went to the kitchen where I saw Travis and Katelyn talking "Morning " They whispered to me "Morning " I said quietly "Breakfast is on the counter " Katelyn said "Thanks" I showed her my gratitude "So Trav, when are you taking my brother on a date?"  I asked, Katelyn was trying so hard not to laugh or scream cause she didn't want to wake anyone "What are you talking about?" Travis asked "You know exactly what I'm talking about" I said looking at him " I don't know. I don't even know if he feels the same " He stated "Well he let you kiss him, I mean he didn't push you away or anything so I guess he does like you " I said "You saw that!?" Katelyn couldn't hold it in she laughed so hard but tried to keep it quiet "No but Dante did and he told me " I said, Travis had a massive blush on his face "Relax I'm not mad but I have one thing to say, if you hurt him you better run, he's been hurt to many times by my father I don't want him to be hurt anymore and I can finally protect him " I meant every word I said " I get it, I wont hurt him no matter what " after everyone woke up and got ready we headed for the ice rink 

Zane POV~

We got to the ice rink, I was excited for it but I didn't show it, we finally got on the ice but there weren't so many people on the ice, it was just me and the guys and five random people, a lot of people were watching us skate, the rink was huge it was a bit bigger than the Olympic ice rink. I was first on the ice and then everyone else got on, Garroth skated up to me and asked "have you been on an ice rink before Zane?" "Yeah" I answered "Really?" He asked "Yeah " "Are you good at it?" He asked "I'm okay " I said "If you can show me some moves " Garroth asked "Okay " I started skating, the first jump I did was the popcorn jump it was nice and simple, everyone started clapping "Anything else?" Laurance asked "Just wait I know more " Then my second jump was a triple toe loop, I landed it flawlessly, after I did a triple axle followed by a quadruple spin then lastly I finished it with a lutz jump. I looked at Garroth and he looked amazed "Zane your amazing "Garroth and the others shouted "thanks "I said then Travis came up to me and asked "Zane do you wanna go on a date sometime?"

Okie that's all thanks for reading I'm sorry if it was short but my fingers are so cold and my house is freezing so I cant carry on bye my little cubs Misaki out : ) 

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