Lets Go!

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Dante POV~

Garroth fell down on his knees and cried "It's all my fault. If I wasn't so selfish and moved in with the guys this never would have happened " He whispered, I looked over at Vylad, he was crying, his eyes filled with pain he was looking at Zane. Zane was looking down but soon looked up and saw his brothers crying badly, all of us were speech-less, we didn't have any words and the girls looked in pain at Zane but weren't crying, the rest of us were looking with sadness and hatred. Zane felt bad for his brothers, I could tell he wasn't happy "Baby brother, big brother there's nothing to cry about I'm fine, now stop crying please " Zane was looking at Garroth and Vylad "How Zane? How can we stop crying when we're seeing what our monster of a father did to our brother " Vylad was so in pain when he said that his voice cracked "Zane please tell me why is he doing this to you?" Garroth asked "What does he have against you? What did you ever do to him?" Garroth was so upset that he could barely speak "Well I did nothing to him, he just knows I'm weak so he goes for me cause I'm like a shadow in the house nobody really pays attention to me and he knows I had a hard time in the old school so he wants to make my life worse " Somehow Zane explained everything easily than I expected 

Travis POV~ 

I could barely move after seeing and hearing what happened to Zane I.....I don't know what to say or do "Amn Zane who else knows about this?" I asked. He looked at me and said "Amm just you guys that's all " He replied " What about your mother? does she know?" I asked "No " he said while looking down, Aphmau stood up and walked over to Zane then she bent down and picked his T-shirt up "There Zane get dressed, you don't want to get a cold " he nodded and put his clothes back on, after that Aphmau hugged him and said "We're here for you Zane, we wont let anyone hurt you okay?" She asked "Yeah " "Just promise me one thing " She said, Zane looked at her and asked "What is it?" "If he or anyone hurts you, you tell us right away okay?" She asked "Yeah" Zane agreed with a smile "That's the Zane I know " She said smiling. I walked over to Zane and hugged him "Please let me protect you Zane " The moment I said that the girls screamed hard and they're noses started bleeding. Zane didn't say anything, he was blushing mad then he finally nodded slowly, he looked away from me and at his brothers that were on the ground crying, Zane walked away from me and walked over to his brothers "Guys I love you, you don't need to cry for me, this is what my life wanted me to be, like it wanted my past, future and present to be like " Zane touched all our hearts by saying that "Why Zane? why does the world hate you by giving you this type of life?"  Garroth asked "If the world didn't know that I wouldn't be able to take it, it wouldn't have giving it to me " Zane answered "Still I don't want your life like this, there must be something I could do" Vylad said "Now.....now I know why you were crying when I was leaving home....you were crying not just cause I was leaving you were crying cause you knew that father would do this to you and you wanted me to protect you. I'm so sorry Zane I failed to protect you, you're my little brother I should be able to protect you and Vylad but it looks like I cant even tell if my brother was hurt or not " Garroth was speaking his mind and we were all touched by the words and moved 

Aphmau POV~ 

"Cheer up brother I'll be fine " Zane said to Garroth  "I know!" Dante shouted "Why are you so happy at a time like this?" Travis asked "Because I have a great idea dumbass " Dante said "Hey don't you dare call me a dumbass " Travis shouted back "Enough you two. So Dante what is your idea " I asked "We have four rooms in our house so why not have Zane move in with us? I mean we have a spare room cause Laurance and Garroth share a room, I share a room with Vylad and Travis you have your room that's three rooms and there's one extra" Dante said "That's great!" Garroth said happily "So Zane are you up for it?" I asked "Ammm...Sure " Zane said and we all cheered up. Its amazing how we went from crying to laughing in one second "Thanks Dante " Vylad said "Okay lets continue with the sleepover " I said "Wait what are you doing tomorrow?" Katelyn asked "We are going ice skating " I said "Great that sounds like fun " Zane says very happily "You seem very happy about that Zane " Katelyn said "Just always wanted to ice skate that's all " Zane said while scratching the back of his head. The girls and I gave him a suspicious look "Okay if Zane-Kun says so " Kawaii-Chan said. " Now no one can hurt you at home Zane" Vylad said Zane smiled and hugged his brothers "Soooooooo Travis you'll be living with Zane now, how does it feel?" I whispered to him he blushed and said "Great " I screamed so bad and ran to the girls 

Okay that's all sorry for not updating for a while I was just too busy with everything school, drama and other things but I'm back and I'll have another chapter next week I promise Oh and I also changed my name from Tigress to Misaki hope you don't mind bye my little cubs Misaki out : )

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