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Garroth POV~

"Well Travis-Kun do you have a crush on Zane-Kun?" Kawaii-Chan asked "I don't..." Zane stood up and ran away "Zane wait I wasn't finished!" Travis yelled, the next thing we heared was the ringging of the door, Aphmau stood up and went to open the door. The way Travis said he doesn't, sounded like he was finished the sentence, I swear if he breaks my baby brothers heart I will hurt him "Guys pizza's here " Aphmau called out, she came in with 5 boxes of pizza "Where's Zane?" She asked "Travis you little...."I was saying when Laurance put his hand on my shoulder "Instead of shouting at him we should find Zane " I calmed down and said "Yeah lets go " We all stood up and started looking for Zane. We all looked around the house but still no Zane "Guys did you find Zane?" Katelyn asked "No" everyone said "Wait where's Vylad?" Katelyn asked "To be honest Kawaii-Chan hasn't seen Vylad-Kun since Zane-Kun ran away " We all turn to each other and I said "Maybe Vylad's with Zane " "Maybe they're outside we haven't looked there, lets go " We all ran outside looking for my baby brothers 

Vylad POV~

Okay okay I know I left mysteriously but after what Travis said I needed to be there for my big brother even though I would be acting as the adult for now, anyway I ran after Zane to help him, he ran to the garden and I followed then he sat down on the cold hard ground and I sat next to him, he looked at me and I saw his eyes sparkle because of the tears that were staining his face "Big brother are you crying?" I asked, he looked away and said "What do you want Zane?" I looked at him and said "Well I came to see if you were okay, I can see your not, why are you crying? do you like Travis?" "I guess I might " Zane replied, I got a big shock, my big brother's heart is very hard to get, there was a time this guy was talking to his friends when he saw Zane and he walked over to him, started talking to him and later he asked for Zane's number but Zane only saw him as a friend, the only person he ever loved was Obi but things happened and he never told Obi he loved him, back to me and Zane "Wow the only person I know you loved was Obi, I didn't expect Travis " I said "I know its the same with me, I never thought I would find anyone else to love except Obi " Zane said sadly "Zane I think Travis wasn't finished with his sentence so you should go back and talk to him, you never know he might like you back and-" "He kissed me " Zane interrupted me "WHAT!?" No no no no no no no " When we were done with our basketball match he kissed me " Zane told me "So he does like you, but why would he say he doesn't?" Then I gaspped " so he didn't finish his sentence. So there is a huge chance  he likes you back " I said to him "ZANE! VYLAD! WHERE ARE YOU?" Its Garroth  they were coming closer I could hear them "They're coming " I said Zane gasped and stood up at the same Garroth and the guys came, Zane started running when he tripped and fell into the pool "  ZANE!" Everyone screamed, Travis jumped in and helped him out, both of them came out of the pool soaking wet, "Guys look at you, get in now you'll get a cold " Aphmau said worried, we all walked in  and Travis and Zane wen't to get dressed 

Zane POV~

It was so embarrassing to fall into the pool and have Travis save me like I'm some princess that's captured by an evil monster, while we were walking into the house I remembered that I only have one jumper and its wet, I looked at Garroth and asked "Garroth do you have a jumper I could borrow?" he looked at me and said "Why would you need a jumper? its hot in the girls house" "I just need a jumper that's all" I said looking down "Sorry I don't, now go get dressed I don't want you to get sick " He said and walked into the living room, I took my bag and walked to the bathroom, I could wear my jumper but I'd be cold and wet or I could take two towels and wrap my arms but that would look suspicious, ughhhh why? why me? why this day? I got dressed and walked into the living room covering my arms as best as I could "Okay everyone's back and we can carry on" Katelyn said. I sat down wrapping my arms "Is.... is something wrong Zane? " Katelyn asked me "What? no nothings wrong " I replied "Then why are you crossing your arms? are you mad or something " She asked "No nothing is wrong I just want to be in this position" I said trying to sound calm but failing " Hey Zane catch " Laurance threw a drink and I caught it which was a big mistake "Zane....what's on your arms? " Garroth asked me, trying not to get mad but sadly he was failing "Ammm  oh this? I just cut myself outside by an accident why? " I tried to cover up but Garroth saw right through me "Tell. Me. The. Truth. Zane " Oh no when  he does that it means trouble  "Fine well this has been going on for about five years " I said "WHAT? FIVE YEARS!" Garroth shouted and surprisingly so did Vylad "You've been doing this since you were eleven" Laurance said, I shook my head no everyone was confused "I wasn't the one that did that " I said, I saw Garroth tense up "Every time Garroth and Vylad wouldn't be home he would do this to me and when Vylad and Garroth are home he wouldn't dare touch me, when he found out that you guys moved he's been doing this more often " I finished talking I looked over at Garroth he looked mad "What? he does that every day?" Katelyn asked " Yeah" I answered "Wait if he does it every day how does he not run out of place? there must be other places he did that " Aphmau said "Zane please if there is any other places please show us " Dante said, I stood up and took off my shirt and jeans I had scars all over my back and legs everyone gasped. I looked at Garroth, he was crying "WHY! WHY! WHY WOULD YOU EVER DESERVE THIS! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT IF I DIDN'T LEAVE THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED THIS IS ALL MY FAULT " Garroth cried 

Hey guys sorry for not updating I'm very very sorry I was just very busy these days with school work and work at home I'm sorry I will upload more often I promise Tigress out : )

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