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Dante POV~

We were all upset about this whole situation, there wasn't a word for what we felt right now, then the police came up to us and asked "Sorry for interrupting but may I ask a couple questions?" "Yeah go ahead " I said with no emotion "Amm can you tell me what is it that he did?" The police asked looking at all of us " Well whenever my brothers and mom wouldn't be home he would come up to me with a knife and...." Zane told the police man everything (not bothered to write the whole story cause you know it ) "And is it just you that he does it to?" He asked "No he did it to my mom too" "All right well I can tell you that he's not going to get out of prison for a long time but its not up to me its up to the judge, he'll be going to court, all right I think that is all I need to know thank you for your time and now please go into those police cars we'll give you a police escort to the hospital so that you could see your brother" The police officer finished asking questions and led us to the police cars. We finally arrived at the hospital and we all hurried to the front desk then Garroth asked for Vylads room and the lady at the front desk looked onto the computer and told us his room was number 15, she then told us where to go and we run off, we finally get to room 15 then I knock on the door "Yes?" "Vylad it's me Dante and the guys are here too " I wait for an answer then I hear him say "okay come in " We walk in and see that the doctor was there too "Hello are you Vylad's friends?" He asked "Yes and I'm his mother " His mother came up to shake hands with the doctor " Nice to meet you, Vylad will be okay he just needs to stay in the hospital for the next week and he can come back home, is that okay?" The doctor asked "Yes that's wonderful " Zianna said "Great then I'll leave you alone "

Garroth POV~

"Baby brother I'm sorry that this had to happen, if I was quick I could have prevented this from happening " I said upset "It's not your fault big brother I chose to protect you and I'm glad I did " Vylad said with a smile "So where did he stab you?" Travis asked worried then Zane elbowed him in the side "Ow sorry I was just worried " "Oh he stabbed me in the chest right above my heart, I was lucky, I'm glad I'm not too tall hahaha ow" Vylad said then I asked if he was okay and he said he was goodand that I dont need to worry about him. We finished talking to Vylad and by the time we were done in the hospital it was night so we walked home which wasn't far, mom went home with Laurance's mom and us guys went home to our house and the girls went to their house, when we walked in we heard a phone ring "Who forgot their phone?" I looked at everyone "Oh crap " It was Travis, he ran to his room to grabbed his phone, we all went to the living room and sat down "So who was it?" Dante asked "Oh it's my mom, wow I missed 70 calls " Travis said "Man it must be something important that she would call you that much " Laurance said, he sat next to Zane and wraped his arms around him I looked at Zane who was kinda blushing which was cute, Travis then called his mom and started talking to her on the phone "WHAT!"Travis yelled "I'm coming home " Travis put his phone in his pocket and said "Hey guys I have to go home I'll be back at 10, k thanks bye " "I wonder what that was about " Laurance asked 

Travis POV~

When I got to my parents house I went in and was greeted by my parents with smiles "What's going on? I thought you said mom was in trouble " I said "Well she isn't we just wanted you to come as fast and you could " My dad said "Alright so what's up? " I asked "In one week you,me and your father are going to France for two weeks " My mom said "What in one week?" I asked "Yeah, why do you have other plans?" dad asked "Well no" I said "So will you go? its only two weeks " Mom said "Okay I'll go " I said. If I want to go on a date with Zane I better do it fast, I wont wait 2 weeks, the first stage is done the only thing is that we actually need go on the date "Mom, dad I have something to tell you " I paused " I have a date " They looked so happy but I know that the smiles will be gone when I tell them that its with a guy " Ammm I'm going on a date with Garroth's brother Zane " I finished "Awww our son has a date, I'm so proud " My mom started hugging me "You're not mad that I'm gay or disgusted?" I asked "No why would we? when your father was younger he was bisexual, he still is so no we're not mad or disgusted just bring him here one day and let us meet him alright?" Mom asked "yeah now I'll go home okay bye love you " I got back to the guys house and saw they were watching a movie "Hey Zane you know that date....well is it okay if we go on it tomorrow?" I asked "Sure but why so fast ?" He asked "Well my parents told me that in a week we'll be going to France for two weeks  " I told them about my trip " What two weeks?" Zane asked "Yeah why will you miss me?" I asked mockingly "M-maybe" He said and I blushed madly and laughed nervously then the guys just started laughing, I sat beside Zane and wrapped my arm around him "So you'll leave the same day Vylad gets out of the hospital?" Dante asked "Yeah" I said 

That's all hope you enjoyed next chapter will be next week or this week don't know bye my little cubs Misaki out : )

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