Zane why

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Travis POV~

I didn't like how Zane's father scared him. I looked at Zane, he looked so cute under the moonlight then I came closer to him and kissed him, I just couldn't resist any longer he's just so perfect. We pulled apart when we heard Laurance call for us, we walked inside "Hey Zane great game you played there, you're amazing " Dante said wrapping an arm around Zane "T-Thanks Dante " Zane replied "What's say you and me go out some time "Dante asked, I couldn't take it I felt like Dante was pushing my buttons, I grabbed Zane by the hand pulled him to me "I'm sorry but Zane is my precious " I said, I was hugging him and I felt his face burn up "Looks like you were right guys he does love him " Dante said "Wait what?" I asked "Garroth and Vylad told me that you like Zane and I thought you don't, I guess I was wrong" I let go off Zane and blushed madly "Ammm Dante can I tell you something?" Vylad asked Dante looked at him confused but then said "Yeah whats up?" " Ammm see I........I really like you and I want to ask you if you would be my boyfriend?" Vylad asked "Vylad...." Dante paused and then continued "Yes I will be your boyfriend " Dante said and Vylad's eyes filled with joy

Vylad POV~

I was so happy when Dante said yes, I ran to him and hugged him when he lifted me up and spun me around, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he sat down on the couch and I was sitting on his lap "So lets watch this movie " Garroth said "I'll be right back " Zane said "Hey Vylad " Dante said "Yeah?" I asked "Do you want to live with us here?" He asked "But there aren't any spare rooms " I said "We can share a room" he said "Ammmmm I don't know" I said "Oh come on please, I've been waiting for this moment where we are together, please Vylad" Dante pleaded "Alright " I said 

Zane POV~

I was going to the bathroom when I was walking back I heard  Dante ask Vylad to move in with them and when I heard that Vylad said yes I started to tear up and ran outside, I think they heard me cause I think I heard Travis say my name or that might have been just me hearing things, I ran home and up to my room I started to cry badly then I just fell asleep 

Next morning still Zane POV~

I woke up and looked around then I remembered that Vylad is moving to the guys house, I walked into Garroths room and remembered all the memories we had then I walked into Vylads room and saw that Vylad's thing were gone I started to cry. I had school today but I didn't go I didn't want to, not like this, I don't care if father beat me up I just don't want to see my brothers they......... they betrayed me "Why big brother? why baby brother? " I thought sobbing "Zane I'm going to work, I hope you wont be lonely without your brothers " My mum said "Wait you know Vylad moved out?" I asked "Yes he called me yesterday and told me " she said "And your okay with me not going to school today?" I asked "Yes cause I get it, you need sometime to except that they're gone " She said "Thanks mum, I love you I'll see you after work " I said she smiled and left, I went back to my room then laid down on my bed when I saw my door opening and 

Laurance POV~

"Hey guys have you seen Zane anywhere? he never came back yesterday from the bathroom " I said "Maybe hes just late " Dante said "No he would never be late, he would hurry here just to get away from father " Vylad said "Garroth do you know anything ?" I asked " Sadly no " he answered, we heard the bell and we left for class, after a couple classes Zane still wasn't in school " I think hes not coming to school today, we only have a couple classes left " I said "Its weird he would never skip school " Garroth said "How about after school we go to your parents house and see if hes home?" Dante asked "Yeah sounds great " Vylad said "Then its decided " I said and we all nodded in agreement. It was after school and we all met up at the gates "So ready to go?" I asked "Yep " they answered, we walked to Garroth's parents house and we walked in "Zane.....father.......mum anybody home? " Garroth asked "Oh Garroth what do you want " Father asked "Good to see you too father, is Zane home? " Garroth asked "No " he said "Well do you know where he could be? you know what, I forgot you don't care where he would be " Garroth said and we left "Where could he be " Travis asked we walked back home and started to worry about Zane 

Next day Garroth POV~

We got to school, still nothing from Zane "Hey did you here anything from Zane " Travis asked "No " I answered "Wait look its Zane " Vylad said "Where?" Travis exclaimed "there" Vylad said, we all ran over but it seems he ran away from us "Split up " we spilt up and cornered Zane, he was facing a wall not looking at us "Zane there's nowhere to run " I said "Zane why wont you answer any of our calls or texts and why did you leave without telling us?" I asked he started crying "Because you betrayed me, you and Vylad, and now I'm alone at home with father and even mom doesn't know what he does to me "He still didn't turn around, Travis walked up to him "Zane look at me " he said, he didn't listen "Zane. Turn. Around. Now " Travis said madly, he turned but didn't look at him, Travis put his hand under Zane's chin and lifted it, we heard a gasp "ZANE WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! "Travis yelled 

Okie that's all for today Happy new year everybody and how many Yuri!! on Ice fans do I have I love that anime its literally my life bye my little cubs Tigress out : )

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