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Something Like Olivia

Olivia is six months out of a long term relationship with Vinnie.  He is an up-and-coming musician who chose music over starting a life with Olivia.  She decided that her dreams mattered too and swore off dating musicians.  That is until Niall Horan walked into her life.  Will Olivia be able to handle another relationship where she may not always be first?  Will Niall show her that they can have everything together? What will happen when he finds out her dirty little secret?

List of Characters

Karen Gillan as Olivia

Vinnie Ferra as Vinnie

Zoey Deutch as Riley

Niall Horan as himself

Harry Styles as himself

Liam Payne as himself

Louis Tomlinson as himself

Zayn Malik as himself

Cara Delevingne as Flora


Thank you for checking out my story. This is my first time writing any kind of story. I feel very vulnerable putting myself out there. I have wrote half of the story already and will be posting as I edit. Some chapters will be shorter than others. I hope you enjoy the story and please leave comments!

AB xx

Update 7/24/17
1k reads!  Wow.  Thank you everyone for the support.  You have no idea how excited I am!  I look forward to meeting my new reads!  Hope everyone enjoys Olivia's story!

I dedicate Something Like Olivia to @hotel-californiall.
You inspired me with you stories and made me want to write my own.
You have been the first one to read Something Like Olivia and you still show me love every time I post a new chapter.

Thank you for your support.  It means the world to me.

AB xxx

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