Seven Long Years

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I sit in school, bored out of my mind. I really wished that my human mother would allow me to attend Toriels School. I missed all of my friends..... Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore, Papyrus and Sans, other little monsters I had spared along the way, even Jerry. I couldn't stop the tears from edging down my face. I desperately hide this fact. I didn't exactly have friends amongst the humans. They didn't seem to like the fact that I was practically mute around them. They also have this strange fixation with opening my eyes, since I only open them enough to see. Too much light gives me massive headaches. Kinda makes me wish I was underground again.

Classes finish for the day, I head to the front gate to be picked up by my mother and father. My little brother and sister catch up with me. They were twins and only three years younger than I was. Fynn is a sweetheart, but Fera and I seem to be at odds most of the time.

"Heeeeey! Frisky bits!" The largest school bully in my school calls out. I tap Fynn and Fera. Signalling for them to go ahead.

"Why didn't you answer me Frisky bits. Baby doll cmon~" Ronan smirks, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him.

I promptly knee him in the crotch and follow after my siblings, wondering if he actually liked getting kicked in the nuts.

"How was your day Frisk?" Father asks.

"Okay I guess" I reply quietly, getting in the car next to my siblings. Father grunts and gets into the drivers seat. Mother looks back at me warily.

"The school still hasn't done anything about that bully.... Have they?" She sighs. I hug my school bag to my body and shake my head.

"Absolutely unacceptable. I will have words with the principal" she huffs angrily.

"I'm glad you kneed him in the crotch, honey buns" father smiles.
"I think he likes it" I murmur, looking out the window of the car as it moves.

Later that day, I'm in my room listening to music to drown out the sound of my mother cussing out the principal. I was also doing my homework. Before I know it, I've doodled all my friends all over my homework. My teacher was going to be furious with me again. No one in the school liked monsters. Except for Fynn, if anything he wanted to encounter one. On countless occasions he's tried to get me to take him to see my friends. Father seems to know every time Fynn asks though. Stopping us before we do it. It's like he has some mysterious power.

"Sis?! Wake up" Fynn hisses, shaking me awake. I had fallen asleep at my desk.

"What's wrong?" I grumble.

"Dad accidentally hurt mum! I think he's gone insane! H- he's downstairs right now" Fynn shivers, I notice Fera in the corner of my room, trembling violently. Both of them had barricaded my door with my bed. Downstairs I could hear father yelling at mother about..... Cheating on him?!

"Fynn. Fera. Cmere" I coax my siblings into an embrace, placing an earphone in their ear each and playing some soothing music. I keep them secure the entire night, not even opening the door for the cops when they come to the house. It's only until morning hits that I get up, my siblings were fast asleep. I tuck them into my bed after I've shifted it, heading downstairs to check the damage to the house.

There was blood everywhere in the kitchen, an alarming amount of blood, smashed glass was everywhere. I begin to tremble as violently as my siblings were last night, I couldn't let them see this. I run to our parents room, grabbing our parents secret stash of cash for emergencies. The next thing I do is write a note for everyone concerned about us, going about waking my siblings up. They get dressed quickly, I blindfold them as we pass through the kitchen to get to the front door. I lock it behind us and take their blindfolds off.

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