Appearance of Monsters

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"What's with that look?" The guy asks me in particular.

"I've um. Never met a skeleton other than my friends family. So I'm kinda suprised to see another.
"Oh! I see. I'm kinda new to the surface world, you see. I'm from a clan that came up from caves in another country. I'm assuming you haven't seen the news" the man replies. I shake my head.

"Another civilisation of Monsterkind has risen up from a cave in America. Also, he doesn't seem to be related to the Grimm family line, though our ancestors on dads side did curse his family. Not as terribly as the Grimms and Luminas family line, I shall add. It appears that this guy can easily swap between human and skeleton and it won't tire him like our friends. There is a lot of monsters who came out of that cave system. It's a shame that they killed seven kids to do it though" Fera explains, freaking the skeleton man out completely.

"That was..... A rather detailed speech there" Swap Paps mutters.

"Mmm yeah. Sorry about that. Don't worry though Mr Cern. The monsters who escaped their prison before you killed six kids before my sister came along. You did what you could in a bid for freedom" Fera mutters.

"It's still a regrettable action. Even if the children were little brats. It pained our ruler to kill them all" the skeleton, Mr Cern, sighs.

"A- anyway. Welcome to the surface. Let's move on to subjects~" I murmur.

Mr Cern hands out papers to us. I immediately pick physics and maths classes. I notice a rather extensive course for music, so I pick that too. Since I had covered the main classes I needed for my wanted career, I wasn't sure what last three subject I should pick.

I ask Mr Cern about the various random courses, getting a surprise when there's an actual subject for childcare across all species. Mr Cern was teaching it. I blush a little as I tick the box.

"Oh? I see you want to fully prepare yourself" Papyrus grins as he notices my blush.

"Wh.... Paps that isn't even possible~" I grizzle.

"You never know~ I doubt a human has tried before" Paps smirks. I grip the jar again, kinda wishing I could mix mine and Sans soul. But Gaster himself told me it doesn't work, he's tried. He did a whole experiment on it.

"Frisk? Are you okay?" Blue asks. "Yeah. Sorry, just wallowing in despair" I sigh, ticking another box for a class in increasing magical power, safely. The last subject I tick is a cooking course which is, no doubt, taught by Toriel.

"Awwww~ I wish I could do classes with Frisk and Papyrus" Blue whines when we're all done picking. It looks like I was just in time for Mr Cerns class.

"Good luck kiddo~" Papyrus snickers as he heads off to his own first class, my siblings following him out.

People start to arrive, humans and monsters alike. The monsters know me in an instant, greeting me warmly.

Mr Cern begins with describing how to look after a particular monster baby. A snow drake. It was pretty fun, because he makes hyper-realistic 3D models out of his own magic.

"How did you like class?" Mr Cern asks me once class is over.

"It was good. I laughed inside when I realized I flirted with a snow drake once" I giggle.

"You whaaaaat?" Mr Cern gasps, looking at me like I've committed an atrocity.

"Flirted with a Snow Drake. Actually. In all honesty. I've probably flirted with all the monsters in our class" I laugh, watching Mr Cern look at me as if I'm some sort of kinky monster. I farewell him and head to my next class. Physics.

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