Broken Curse

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Frisk's P.O.V

"Which Grimme did you have sex with?! That's the only way to break our curses. They're all interwoven you fool! They're our enemies!" Father roars at me, I put my foot at his throat.

"No..... You're my enemy. I'm never going to forgive you for hurting Leif like you did. I'll never forgive you for killing Mamas family. I'll never forgive you for everything bad you've done to me" I hiss, making my scythe appear. Fell flinches as he sees it.

"So what? You're going to kill me?" Father chuckles.

"A little bit, yeah" I smile, imbuing my scythe with healing magic, turning it white with a gold trim.

"Wait. That's impossible. You can't possibly- I destroyed all the history! You shouldn't know how to-" Father starts to scream as I ram the scythe blade into his chest.

A shadow separates from his body, it was the thing that was screaming like a demon, the body left behind goes silent.

I put my scythe away and head back inside to find Fera, Fynn and Blue looking at Leif like they want to kill him.

"I guess you heard what father said~ And yes. Leif and I did.... um. Do it" I blush, drooling slightly.

"Who wants to kill him first?" Fera grins.

"There will be no killing. It's not like the incident with that idiot out there. It was fully consensual!" I hiss, cuddling Leif protectively. The three of them still grizzle.

"We're gonna have a baby. So hush!" I pout.

"You're what?!" Fera, Fynn and Blue exclaim.

"We're what?!" Leif gasps.

"Ohhh. Umm. I was supposed to tell you in private, Leif. Erm... That shard of Sans soul merged with mine, see?" I lift up my shirt and point to my rib cage.

I could tell that his eyes were wide, and that he was speechless. I don't expect the tears though.

"Oh god, there I go again with the tears. It's probably the other me crying" Leif pulls me down to him and lets himself cry.

"What do you mean by 'other me' " I whisper as I nuzzle into his warmth.

"According to Sans. I wasn't born a human. This skull earring in my left ear is what's been keeping me human, it's been sucking my magic dry to keep me that way. That's generally the reason I can only teleport once or twice" Leif explains, pointing to a golden skull earring.

"Oh! That makes sense. Do you know yet, what you were?" I smile. Leif shakes his head.

"I wanted to find out with you" he seems to be upset about finding out.

"Hey. If you don't want to show me yet. Don't~" I pat his arm supportively.

"Leif, your mind is..... Weird. It's like, some weird glitchy, slightly annoying noises..." Fera rubs her temples again.

"Fera~ you're not supposed to be reading minds, remember?" I scold her, glaring slightly.

"S- sorry. I was just.... Curious" Fera smiles innocently and shrugs.

"I could scream some R18 stuff in my mind, so loud that you can't block it" I grin evilly.

"Oh god! Please don't! I don't wanna know" She begs me.

"I won't. Just. Don't invade his thoughts" I nuzzle Leifs cheek happily.

"Um. Guys?" Fell coughs as he pokes his head around the corner.

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