Sans Nightmares

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Apparently I'd been unconscious for a couple weeks. Only my parents could come see me since my condition was so serious, but mother is in a coma and father, he's in jail. I had been fixed up enough to go home.

Since my parents were currently unable to take care of my siblings and I, Toriel speaks up and persuades the hospital staff to allow her to take me home, which, to my pleasure, they eventually allow.

I sit in the front seat in the ride home, looking around at everything with my eye that is not covered. Despite my aching bones, I felt happy that Toriel was by my side again.

We pull up to Toriels 2 story home. All the lights were on, I could hear laughter ringing out from inside. The smell of butterscotch and cinnamon pie permeates the air as we step through the front door. The atmosphere felt cosy. I was home.

Everyone who was with me when we returned to the surface was there, in a huge family room where a fire was lit, enjoying spaghetti. Did Papyrus get better?

"My family" I smile tearfully. Everyone looks my way.

"FRISK!" they all cheer, carefully hugging me. Even the barely walking Toras hugs me happily, it's super cute.

"Alright alright. Now that everyone has greeted Frisk, I'm going to put her to rest. I'm sure you don't mind if I put her in your room Sans and Papyrus. I know you'll keep an eye socket out for her" Toriel giggles.

"By all means Tori" Sans smiles, (not that he can do much else according to my observations).

"Go right on ahead!" Papyrus holds his thumb up.

"B-but i wanna be with everyone else mooom" I whine.

"I know my dear" Toriel sighs, pulling me away as I start to cry.

"I've missed you. Missed you all" I sob as Toriel puts me in one of the three beds in the room.

"I've missed you too. I'm so glad you're safe my dear child" she smiles, kissing my forehead before pulling the blankets up, her eyes full of joyful tears. The bed was so comfortable, I felt as if I was on clouds.

I don't seem to dream, it was like I was aware of my surroundings but at the same time I was resting.

"Heya Kiddo. Just wanted to thank ya for savin Papy from bein hit" I hear Sans speak. He gives me a hug.

"But I do wish you had gotten out safely too. We were all so worried" Sans murmurs. I open my eyes slightly.

"Sans?" I whisper.

"Oh! Uh. I didn't know you were awake kiddo" Sans stammers.

"I'm not even sure if I'm awake either. I feel like I'm stuck between" I chuckle to myself.

"You feelin okay kid?" Sans asks, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Yeah. My right eye hurts a little bit though" I reply.

"Hmmm. Well. We can't help with that but.... Paps and I can heal-p with mending your bones" Sans winks.

"Heal-p? How?" I cock my head curiously.

"Magic silly, how else could I take those short cuts. It has many applications, healing is one of them." Sans explains.

"Papyrus doesn't take shortcuts though.... I've never seen him do magic aside from his bone attacks" I murmur.

"That's because.... Well. He doesn't like using magic all that much. Thinks its lazy" Sans chuckles, I snort too.

"Sounds like Papy alright".

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