Harbinger of Death

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"You're in my nightmare kiddo. You fell asleep, I decided to take a nap too, I ended up back here in this dream. Then I saw you desperately trying to crawl out of the little monster. Then you revived Tori. I don't know how you were able to interact with this world and bring someone back to life" Sans looks at me as if I was some kind of, well, God. I assure you, I'm not.

Sure I had the power to revert back to a save when I accidentally died in the underground, but that power is long gone, since I'm above ground now. There aren't any save points thus far. Meaning..... If I died, and I loaded a save point. All these years wouldn't count. The thought fills me with worry.

"You okay kiddo. You don,t look so hot" Sans helps me stand, we're suddenly standing outside of his home in Snowdin. The sight of it fills me with comfort. Sans and I go inside, Papyrus was cooking his signature spaghetti. "I regretti eatin the spaghetti" I chuckle to myself, although Sans does hear the comment, chuckling himself.

"You did well to keep it down. You were a strong kid" Sans pats my back, we go take a look at the other me. Her eyes were wide open.... Her eyes were red. It's unsettling. "I don't like the look in her eyes" I comment as the hair on the back of my neck, rises in fear. "You're right to think that" Sans looks at her angrily. "Because she murders EVERYONE" Sans words crawl up my spine.

We're outside again, a strange fog settled all around us, or was it snow? Whatever it was, I knew the scene. But something was different, Papyrus holds out his arms to my child self. She has a smile on her face, holding out her arms. But Sans and I knew she wasn't planning to hug Papyrus.

I fall to my knees and let out a shrill cry as Papyrus's head falls to the ground. "I still believe in you" Papyrus speaks, before his head turns to dust. The monster grins and walks away. Sans hugs me tight as I hoarsely sob into my hands, normally I'd feel comforted by Sans magical hugs, but I knew he was hurting right now too.

"Bro!" I hear another Sans call out repeatedly, he sounded panicked, like he knew that Papyrus would be dead.

I wipe my tears away, going over to Papyrus's remains, hugging his scarf.

"Hold it right there" my Sans speaks as the other Sans points a bunch of bones at me. I silently thank my sans and scoop a bit of dust up, hugging it aswell. I notice my soul exit my chest, filled with a soft pink light. Love. The good kind. Papyrus's remains sparkle a little, then he pops back into existence. He looks confused too, just like Mom. He couldn't see me either, only the other Sans could.

"Bro!" Other Sans hugs his little brother happily, I smile and return to my Sans's side.

"Is your dream a bit better now?" I ask, my voice was all groggy from crying so much.

"Yeah. Thanks kiddo~" Sans pulls me against his shoulder, patting my head. Tears were flowing from his eye sockets. This dream must constantly upset him, I'm glad that this time was a different experience for him.

"So. Would you mind explaining how you're here?" Other Sans asks, he was shorter than my Sans so it was pretty easy to tell them apart, not to mention my Sans had a slightly deeper voice. I begin to wonder how young Sans and Paps were when I first met them. I assumed that Sans was in his 30s due to how mature he was, and Papyrus I'd guess would be 18-25.

"Well. I'm usually SKULL-king around. As for the kid, I don't know how I dragged them here" my Sans answers.

"He didn't pull you here.... I did" I hear Gaster speak. Both Sans's carry on talking like they never heard him. "I believe I need your determination to return. So I brought you to a place where you last had it. You need to get strong, child. The Evil is like a virus. Magic is seeping up. Danger. Take Over" Gasters voice seems to glitch out and mush together at the same time, I don't think I understood half of it, either way, the warning chills me to the bone. I grab onto my Sans's arm, feeling more comfortable.

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