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I'm serious brus. Skip this if you ain't a sinner. I won't add anything detrimental to the story. Okeh? Ok~

This is literally a kink chappy. Hopefully short~ no way in hell I'm writing a thousand word sex essay XD time to put all those mills and boon books I've read to good use~

-hunts for sexy music-


Leif turns completely red and fidgets awkwardly.

"God, you're adorable" I chuckle, softly kissing him again, he pouts at me, suprising me with his strength again as he flips us over so I'm at the bottom. It's my turn to transform into a tomato.

"The tables have turned~ Haven't they" he winks. If my nose could bleed at will. It would've.

Leif kisses me and shifts his hand up my thighs, gripping my panties and pulling them out from underneath my skirt smoothly.

"You sure you haven't done this before?" I laugh as he flicks the panties away somewhere.

"Fairly certain....Sorry if I hurt you" he murmurs, becoming rather bashful again.

"Just take it slow~" I nuzzle into his neck. He sighs with acceptance.

This definitely wasn't like the time Fell tried to assault me, Leif enters me, and it's like I felt complete. There was a little pain to start with, but it was soon replaced by undeniable pleasure.

"Are you okay?" Leif asks softly as I open my eyes again, smiling tearfully up at him. I wasn't even aware that I had shut them.

"Mmhmm" I squeak happily, wrapping my legs around his hips and practically attaching my body completely to his.

He starts to move slowly within me, he felt so freakin good. He was also quite thick and he had the perfect length to hit me in all the right spots, I moan into his mouth between our needy kisses.

Our bodies were starting to get sweaty (arms weak, moms spaghetti!) as they rub against each other.
I could also hear the sloshing and squelching noises coming from my womanhood, making Leifs job a lot easier. Though it makes me rather shy.

"Harder~"I beg him, getting a surprise as his manhood grows and gets more stiff, he intertwines his fingers with mine and does as I asked. Making me moan.

I drool as my body aches with pleasure, happily taking the beating. I didn't want it to ever stop, how on earth did I hold myself back from this?

"Frisk~" Leif whispers desperately, his grip on my hands tightening.

Oh god was he going to-

Leif groans hoarsely as something enters my body, it was warm and sticky, it also fills me completely. That's when it hits me.

An explosion within myself so great, I wail into his shoulder and cry with the pleasure that doesn't show any signs of stopping. We were certainly tired. But, we were happy, body to body. Lying in each others arms.

Welp. That was pretty tame. Heh. Now back to the actual, less kinky story~

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