Magic Arises

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"Papy!" I wail happily, hugging him back.

"I bet you've missed having some of my deeeelicious Spaghetti!!" Paps grins as best as a permanently grinning grinner can.

"Hahaha. I even miss your spaghetti, Papy" I beam.

"Grrrrrreat! Because I have some here!" He cheers, holding out a plate. My eyes bulge. I wasn't ready to taste Paps indescribable Spaghetti.

"Sorry Papy. My Siblings and I just ate lunch, so we're full" I apologize frantically.

"No worries human! There is always next time!" He exclaims, putting the spaghetti away and handing Alphys a package.

"Anyway human! What are you doing later tonight!?" Papy asks.

"TIBIA-nest. I don't know" I wink.

"GAH! You're just as bad as my lazybones of a brother!" Papy rages. Mettaton, Alphys and I fall into laughter. My siblings just look at me judgingly.

"That pun was terrible" Fera mutters as we head out of Mettatons room with Papy. Papy was explaining to them how they met me.

"Sis?! You went on a date with him???" Fynn gasps.

"Wh-what.... I was a flirtatious little kid" I whistle nonchalantly, hiding my face slightly behind my hand. I flirted with almost everyone.

"Kinda seeing a new side to you sis" Fera chuckles.

"WOWIE! Look Humans! It is snowing outside!" Papy squeals with delight.

"Oh! The Snow finally came!" I grin at my siblings.

I pull out Fynn and Feras jackets from my backpack, getting them to put them on before they go and roll about in the snow like I know they were dying to. I equip them with gloves and let them loose. It's good that they have this kind of fun, now of all times.

"Where's your jacket Human? You look cold" Papyrus frets.

"I um. Didn't have room in my bag for my own jacket" I murmur quietly.

"Oh, I see. Older siblings are always looking after their younger siblings first" Papy comments thoughtfully, seemingly remembering something and running off. He returns a few minutes later with a small wrapped present.

"Sans told me that this is for you. If I ever saw you. I was told to give it to you. Sans knitted it" Papy grins.

"Sans knits? That's news to me? He's got a Skele-ton of talents" I giggle.

"NYEEHEHEE!" Papy laughs.

I open the package to reveal a blue scarf with little dog shaped heads on the ends which act like gloves, I wrap the scarf around my neck and put my hands in the scarfs pockets. They were really warm...... I kiss Papyrus on the cheek.

"Thanks for giving me this Papy. Please thank Sans for me too. Tell him I really love it" I snuggle into the warmth of the Scarf.

"I'm glad" Papy pats my head, before getting a face full of snow.

"Come on Mr Papyrus! Come Play! You too sis!" Fynn laughs as he hurtles a snowball my way. I dodge expertly, laughing as I hurl a snowball back at them. We all play for the longest time, unaware of our surroundings.

A screeching noise suddenly grabs my attention. A car was spinning out of control! It was going to mow us down!! I don't know how, but somehow, I shift my siblings and Papyrus aside. The car misses them by mere inches. That's the last thing I remember. Before I black out.

I get up weakly, noticing a bed of golden flowers beneath me. When I look up, the huge hole in which I fell down to the underground by, looms above me. I begin to freak out. I didn't reset! How was this possible? I start to sob on the flower bed. The air around me starts to chill, the hair on my arms rise with fear. I hug the scarf Sans made for me, begging it to protect me somehow, I hoped it had high defenses.

"There is no need for fear my child. I just couldn't help but notice something" a creepy whispering voice speaks. I look around wildly for the voices' owner.

"You cannot see me for I do not exist in this realm.... yet" the voice whispers yet again.

"W- who are you!" I cry out.

"Mmmm.... I think my name is. Gaster" the voice replies.

"O- okay, Gaster. I um. I want to know where I am" I gulp, expecting to be killed or something.

"You are unconscious, child. You were hit by a metal beast" the voice replies.

"My Siblings! Papyrus!" I wail.

"They're fine child. You shifted them" the voice seems to get quieter in tone. Two small lights appear before me.

"I want you to take these. If my suspicions are true. I could finally get back to the world of the living. Possibly regain my memories about my life before being shattered across time and space. I would forever be indebted to you" the voice whispers.

"What are they?" I ask curiously as I notice how warm they felt.

"Magical conduits. The appearance they take will bend to your will. You have magic power and great determination inside of you young one. I hope to meet you face to face one day. It'd be nice to meet the one who saved my kind" Gasters voice fades away with my surroundings.

I hear a beeping noise as my consciousness returns. My right eye was covered with a bandage, this freaks me out, making my heart go into a frenzy. Doctors immediately come to my side, gasping as they see I'm awake.

"Calm down Miss Frisk. You're okay. We fixed you all up" one doctor desperately tries to calm me.

"G-get away from me!" I wail, picking them up?! With Telekinesis, I shoot them out of the room. I climb out of my hospital bed weakly.

"Fynn! Fera! Papyrus!" I wail as I drag myself to the door, looking out to see the pile of doctors I had created. I cry their names out again. To my surprise, I see Toriel round the corner.

"M-mom??" I choke back tears.

"My Child! You shouldn't be up my dear. Come back to your bed!" She scolds, returning me back to my bed. I sob as I cling onto her, telling her about what happened with my birth parents.

"I know dear. Your little brother told me. Your siblings are safe by the way. So is Papyrus, thanks to you my child. They're all at home with Asgore, Asriel and Toras" Toriel smiles.

"Asriels back to normal?! And um. Toras?" I ask.

"Yes. Thanks to Sans and Alphys, they were able to change Asriel into his true form. Asgore and I had another child. Toras" Toriel nuzzles me as the doctors return to fix things, I apologize to them deeply.

"Congratulations on the new baby" I smile, happily falling asleep in her warm fur.

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