Another World Visit

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"What was that about?" Fera asks.
"Ronan and Luke kinda groped sis" Fynn grizzles.

"Whaaaaaat? That's disgusting!" Fera screams with outrage. I nod silently, standing up and dusting myself.

"Let's go to Grillbys. My treat" Sans smiles.

"Yyyyyeeeess!!" Fynn roars his excitement.

"Are we walking all the way there?" Fera whines.

"Naw. I know a shortcut. Hold on kiddos" Sans replies. He clicks his fingers. Strangely, I didn't see any flowing lines of code this time. Sans notices that I noticed this.

"We're no longer in the program kiddo. Everything we do now isn't controlled by an external source. The moment we were outta the underground, we were truly free to pave our own paths" he comments as he opens the door to Grillbys. It kinda hits home with me, maybe that's why there were no more save points. This was no longer a game....

My siblings immediately sit down in a booth, pulling the thumbs up to Grillby, Grillby nods in understanding.

"I took your siblings to Grillbs a lot, he knows their orders" Sans chuckles when he notices my puzzled expression. I order my own food aswell, Sans just gets his regular bottle of ketchup. I eat silently, feeling a little down, I know Sans scared the shit out of the Tormenting Trio, but if past actions told me anything. Those boys weren't going to stop just yet. I was dreading school tomorrow with every fibre of my being, not only that. My body felt somewhat..... violated by the trio's actions.

I don't really pay attention to my surroundings until Sans calls me out of my daze.

"What's wrong baby bones?" He asks, my siblings were gone, he'd teleported them home. "I'm just.... Well. My breasts.... They touched them so I'm feeling kinda..... Erm. Yeah" I murmur.

"Well. If they ever try to cop a feel again, all you gotta do is call me and I'll hunt them down, gimme your cell" Sans holds his hand out, I give my phone to him so he can put his number in it.

"What if I accidentally wake you up?" I murmur.

"I'm at work through the day. It'll be alright. Come on, I'll get ya some nice cream or something before we head home" Sans pats my head.

"Saaaans. You fall asleep while you work" I chuckle.

"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll answer" Sans replies, completely serious.

"Welcome home dear. How was school?" Toriel smiles as Sans and I walk into the lounge where she was helping Asriel with homework, I could hear Asgore playing with Toras somewhere.

"It was somewhat tiring. But I got through" I smile awkwardly.

"That's not what Fera said, she said some bullies touched you where they shouldn't have" Toriel pouts.

"W-well they did. But Sans dealt to them" I rub the back of my head nervously.

"Thanks Sans" Toriel smiles, hugging me, then Sans. There was only a couple weeks of school left including this one. I'm sure I'd survive it.

Sans makes dinner this night. Papyrus had gone home, Sans would too once I got 100% better. Whatever Sans is cooking? It smells amazing.

"Bone appetite" he grins as he serves it up to us, causing everyone but Fera to giggle, she was a hard nut to crack I'll give her that.

The (ironically) spaghetti Bolognese is amazing, I shovel it down my throat, smiling happily.

After cleaning up the dishes and kitchen. Fynn and Fera go straight to bed whilst I work on the homework I've missed out on in the time I've been away from school, it wasn't a colossal amount, but it certainly wasn't small. Not to mention I had no idea with some of the topics as I hadn't exactly learnt about them.

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