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Frisk notices my expression and chuckles as she slips her straw my way.

"Take a sip. You might just change your mind about milk" she smiles. I take a sip.

"Wait. Didn't you just not allow your siblings a drink because of goob- Oh wow.... That is good!" I was suprised to find that I liked the beverage. Now I kinda wanted my own.....

"I knew you'd like it~. And well.... You don't have saliva right?" Frisk smiles. I open my mouth and let my tongue out, showing her the magical saliva on it.

"Oh my god you have widdle canines" Frisk gasps.

"Wh..... Don't look at my teeth. My tongue, Frisk. My tongue" I grizzle.

"Sorry~ That's just so cute" Frisk blushes, I shut my mouth.

"Isn't having canines normal? You have em" I mutter.

"Well yeah.... But I half expected you to have this row of huge, top teeth. It seems silly now that I think about it" Frisk coughs, sipping her milkshake to distract herself.

"Indirect kiss" I hear Fera comment. Frisk chokes on her drink.

"It is not~ he doesn't even have lips" she glares at Fera.

"Kissing doesn't always mean mashing lips together and you know it" Fera smirks, sitting down with her drink.

"This is what you get for not letting us have a sip" Fynn snickers as Fera continues to berate Frisk. It sure was funny to watch.

Dinner arrives, and it is delicious~ The kiddo picked a really good place to eat.

Everyone was happy in the end, especially after dessert and Frisks wonderfully crafted cake. The stuff was godly. I go and pay our bill before we leave to go to a Karaoke bar.

Paps, Mettaton, Asriel, Humana, Frisk and her siblings were all coming. Tori and Asgore needed to go home and look after Toras. Undyne and Alphys wanted to spend the last of their night together alone.

"Take care of the young ones you three. See you later" Toriel farewells us.

"See ya mom" Frisk, Asriel and surprisingly, the twins reply. Toriel catches on to what they said, almost crying. They finally considered her a mother.

The twins and Asriel ride with Papyrus to the karaoke bar we were going to since there was only so much room in his car.

As for Frisk and I, we take a shortcut. I teleport us to a park first though, it'd take Paps a little while to get to the bar. 

"I really enjoyed tonight Sans, thankyou. It was fun having a big family get together. Usually Christmas with my human family were boring since it was just five of us, no pets either" Frisk leans against me as we sit on a park bench.

"No problem kiddo. I gotta admit, I had a good time too. This is the first year since I've been on the surface that I've actually come to Toriels. I usually just stay at home and work on experiments, or sleep" I murmur, patting Frisks head.

"Really?" Frisk looks up at me sadly, I nod.

"I'm glad you were here this time" she nuzzles into me, just like she used to many years ago.

"Same, kiddo" I grin. We stay like this for awhile.

Her phone suddenly rings, breaking our comfortable silence. She answers it quickly. I wonder if Paps got to the bar already.

Frisk suddenly goes pale, pushing me down on the chair and covering my body with hers, admittedly I blush slightly.

I gasp as I see a scythe swing above the seat, seemingly aimed for me. I immediately teleport the two of us away from the seat, holding onto Frisk tightly as I try to look for the perpetrator. He's running at us with crazed red eyes, his target seemed to be me.

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