Chapter 24

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The next day, Courtney walked in happily. She was just ready to start the day, have great classes and see her friends again. The days were seeming more typical and regular and just what Courtney needed to feel normal. It excited her in a way. And she hasn't even had a chance to daydream about Olivia yet. That'll just be the cherry on top wouldn't it?
Courtney took her time at her locker, waiting for her living daydream to walk in and get her own things. The thing is, Courtney stalled right until the bell rang and still, Olivia hadn't shown up. Courtney drowned out worry for Olivia just being late.
"Are you okay? Or just running late?" Courtney texted to Olivia. She held whatever books she had for her class and slowly trudged to the general direction of her class.
Courtney was almost at the door when Olivia got back to her.
"I am absolutely sick. Probably from Noah. I'm staying home today."
Courtney stopped to read the text. Other students walked mindlessly past her without a second thought.

Olivia laid in her bed. Her eyes were barely open as she tried to watch a rom-com. As whatever content filtered into her mind, she just didn't process any of it. Eventually, she closed her eyes and slowly let her headache tune out until she fell asleep.
"Bae?" Someone whispered. Like the words knocked on her skull, Olivia blinked awake. "Bae. It's me. Courtney. I just wanted to tell you I'm here so you don't get scared later," Courtney whispered. She smiled to Olivia who finally woke up.
"What?" Olivia mumbled back.
"Shh, go back to sleep. I'm here to take care of you because you're ill and need someone here so you don't fall onto the ground and get stuck there until-"
Olivia had simply just closed her eyes again. Not hearing or really caring for the end of whatever she was saying.

Courtney sat on the floor at the edge of Olivia's bed, just beside her. She watched the rest of Olivia's movie, then found other movies. She got comfortable for the past hour Olivia's been asleep.
Courtney was busy texting Keith of her and Olivia's whereabouts when the girl finally stirred. She blinked away her drowsiness and focused onto the figure in front of her bed. She was still and Olivia just couldn't wrap her mind around what or who it was.
"Olive?" Courtney looked up, seeing her eyes finally open.
Olivia jerked back when she finally, registered that it was an actual person, almost screaming in fear.
"Woah Olive! It's me! It's Courtney. It's Bae," she quickly reassured.
"What? What're you doing here?" She asked quizzically, trying to lean up on her arms. Obviously not remembering Courtney's words from before.
"Wha-I'm here to take care of you. Is that alright? I mean I missed a math quiz to be here. You can't say you're too sick to be at school and expect me to not rush over to make you feel all better." Courtney rambled. Olivia blinked. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"
Olivia mumbled the word no, and laid back down.
"Why are you here?" Olivia asked into the air.
"You must really be sick. I've answered that like 5 times already. To take care of you. I see you thought just staying bed would be okay. I got you water and meds and I fixed your blanket that was barely around your legs. I wanted to ask, where do you keep extra blankets?"
"I'm not really cold right now," Olivia said. She laid her forehead on her arm. Her eyes were closed as she faced the bed.
"Well I meant for me, unless you want me to cuddle up with you."
Olivia chuckled a dry chuckle.
"You can join me, but I don't really want you to get sick right now."
However, Courtney was already hopped up and giddy to get into spot in front of Olivia. The girl, moving back to make space.
"Please. A few sick days off and cuddles from the bae? Worth it," Courtney said. Olivia lifted the blanket enough for Courtney to get under comfortable. Olivia was feeling a bit too warm right until Courtney unintentionally pressed against her side. She was a bit cooler and made Olivia feel better. She adjusted her position and faced the blonde that was now in her bed.
That was now in her bed.
"How did you get in?"
Courtney chuckled.
"You can't leave a key in a flower pot and not expect someone to get in easily."
"Oh. You didn't have to miss school for me, really."
"Are you really that sick? Of course I had to. You would be dead had I not shown up when I did," Courtney exaggerated.
"Really? Because all you did was get me water that I didn't even have a chance to drink yet?"
"I also fixed your blanket. You'd be frozen right now. Actually you're really warm." Courtney took that moment to snuggle her head into Olivia's shoulder. It caught Olivia off guard, not expecting that. She froze.
"Mmm. You're nice and toasty. A perfect nap buddy. Is it okay if I fall asleep? I didn't actually get a lot of-" Courtney instantly pulled away, suddenly realizing she probably is breaking plenty of boundaries."I'm sorry. Was that too much?"
Olivia had managed not to tense up. However she realized also that she liked that contact with Courtney. She barely reacted to her question, her mind still engrossed in the feeling of when Courtney's head was against her shoulder.
"It-It was okay. You can...Nap...There if you want," Olivia breathed out. Courtney smiled, exhaling a little before gently going back into the previous position.

Olivia closed her eyes. She focused on Courtney's breathing. It had been a few minutes since it levelled out. Olivia just couldn't get over how quickly she and her new friend had grown close to each other. It had been what, a week since she got here? And now they're napping together on Olivia's bed.
Olivia almost forget that she was sick. With Courtney's contact on her, she just felt better. There wasn't a headache or a groggy feeling anymore. Only really, Courtney beside her.
Taking a risk, Olivia slowly turned to head. So that the two girls would be facing each other. The first thing she noticed was how close their faces were. The second thing, being how adorable Courtney looked. The third thing, how beautiful she looked.

Courtney woke up, around an hour and a half later. She felt an arm wrapped around her waist as someone in front of her wanted to keep her closer. She almost groaned, remembering school.
"Jes-wait." Courtney stopped herself from groaning. She opened her eyes and saw Olivia's own sleeping face, inches from hers. With a stunned realization, Courtney slowly dragged her fingers down Olivia's arm that locked Courtney in place. A shiver ran down her spine. Courtney felt unsure of how to address the situation. Olivia was supposed to be sick, and all Courtney had been thinking about was to cuddle and nap with her.
Courtney watched Olivia let tuffs of breath leave and enter. She felt the strong hold she kept on Courtney. Her fingers were locked together, that of which Courtney couldn't strategically unthread without the chance of waking Olivia. She didn't want to do that at the moment, for reasons she just didn't want to answer. Courtney tuned out the movie's 30 second theme music that played on loop because they hadn't turned it off. Instead, she listened to a clock hanging on Olivia's wall, and the low rumble of the furnace. She held one hand on the blanket, bunching it a little to slowly move it back over Olivia. In a moment, she succeeded in putting it back. But in doing so, Olivia moved a bit at the contact, slowly leaning her head forward, to barely rest in the crook of Courtney's neck. Courtney stopped dead in her tracks. The new feelings and sensations of Olivia's hair, tickling the side of her face. Also the fact that now she can feel Olivia's breaths a little more now. And now, there was almost little to no space within Olivia's arms to move.
I'm trying not to like like you Olive. Are you trying to screw up my plans? Courtney thought, smiling to the girl who seemed like she didnt want to let her go.
Courtney closed her eyes, simply deciding to just now let Olivia sleep in the position that she'd already set them up in. She exhaled and then made a decision, she snuggled comfortably.

Olivia pulled away quickly. She woke up with a sneeze that she hurried to back away from Courtney so she wouldn't sneeze on her. When Olivia moved Courtney's arm from on top of her, she sort of mumbled a faint 'no' in her sleep. When Olivia did sneeze, Courtney blinked awake.
"Morning Liv. Nap well?" Courtney asked, sitting up to stretch. The time was about lunch. The guys would be eating together at their lunch table, conversing about God knows what (totally about the girls though).
"Yeah. I'm feeling better already," Olivia said lazily. She yawned in her spot, making Courtney's lips curl into a faint smile.
"You wouldn't let me move at all. You wrapped your arms around me and kept me in one spot for like an hour," Courtney explained, chuckling about the situation.
Olivia looked up and into her eyes.
"Really? I'm sorry about that. I'm not gonna lie, you're better to cuddle with than a pillow," Olivia replied. She closed her eyes again in her spot.
Courtney thought for a moment. She then supported a cocky grin.
"I would be, wouldn't I?"

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