Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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- Blair

It was over, it was all over. I looked over at Chuck, he was smiling a fool toothy grin. I sunk into the mattress and breathed heavily, I felt so light headed. The child's piercing screams filled the room, our child, our little girl.

"May I hold her?" I asked, finally feeling a bit better after giving birth.

"Yes, of course!" Said the nurse as she walked over and placed our little girl in my arms. She was so tiny, so fragile, so perfect. Chuck got up from the chair and kneeled down next to us. He had tears in his eyes.

"Bass? Are you crying?" I said laughing. He only cried more.

"It's just... It's just.. She's so beautiful... She looks just like you." He said stroking her soft cheeks.

"Well she certainly has a Waldorf nose but wow look at those cheek bones, they could have only come from a Bass like yourself." I said smiling down at her and then to him. "Now wipe your eyes and give your daughter a hug!" He immediately pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed his face then reached over for our little girl. She cooried into his strong loving arms and stopped crying.

"I will always love you and I will be the best father that I possibly can and you will grow up to have a loving family that supports and protects you and helps you through anything life throws at you. You will live in a home filled with love and affection and we will do anything in our power to make you happy. Your childhood will not be anything like our childhood. Your parents will tell you they love you everyday and spend time with you whenever they can. You will have a proper Christmas and birthday with things that will make you happy and not just some extra money to the trust fund. Together Blair and I will truly give you the best life that we can that will make you happy cause we love you very much. I love you.." And then with that he started crying again just repeating "I love you" over and over again to her and to me. Even I started to tear up. Everything he said was right, we would never raise her the way that our parents raised us, and we will make sure of it. He squeezed into the tiny single hospital bed with me and we cuddled our beautiful baby girl together. The door opened and in came the nurse.

"Sorry to interrupt but are you ready to name her?" Asked the nurse kindly. I looked at Chuck. We had already had a name planned out. He nodded and gestured for me to say.

"Yes. We would like to name her Grace, Grace Corniellia Waldorf Bass." I said then looked over to Chuck who was beaming with happiness.

"Okay if you could both just sign your names her please." The nurse said carrying over a clipboard with the forms. She handed us a pen and Chuck signed it then me then she left us. Grace, our beautiful Grace.

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