Chapter 60 - Happy Again

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- Grace

"I'm sorry Miss Bass, he's gone." The doctor said as the machine stopped.

"What! No!" I screamed running to his side, holding his lifeless hand. Kate rushed to my side.

"Grace I'm so sorry" she said as I cried into her shoulder. Kate's parents were crying too and so was Uncle Nate. He was gone.


(1 hour earlier)

"Haha, yeh I will. I think I'm going to post the one with like us all posing by the fountain and that, it was so cute." I said to Kate on the phone.

"Yeh that was a good pic." She said as I walked through the elevator doors to the apartment.

"Okay, gotta go." I said hanging up. I kicked off my stilettos as they were really hurting my feet. Wow, that was such a good night, I couldn't wait to open all those presents from the girls.

It was my 18th birthday yesterday and I went out to celebrate with some friends tonight. I was actually back quite early, 10:30 but I wanted to just go out for dinner and get a cocktail, I didn't want a huge party, I wanted to be elegant and classy. I went through to the kitchen for a glass of water. The house felt eerily quiet, Dad never goes to bed this early. Eh, maybe he did. I sipped on the water sitting on the stool at the breakfast bar as I posted the picture I liked onto my Facebook. I looked really pretty in it for once, but like usual, Kate looked amazing with her madly curly blonde hair blowing around in the wind. Then there was my thin, boring brunette hair that just kinda, well sat there. This push up bra is so uncomfortable. I went to go into my bedroom to change it but something was odd.

Dad's bedroom door was open, he never sleeps with the door open. I knocked on the slightly open door, no reply. I walked in confused as why he was not here, the bed empty. The sheets not even touched since house keeping. This is so strange. There was scotch sitting on the unit, with an empty used glass, he was obviously drinking again. Maybe he's in the toilet, I knocked on the door to the ensuite bathroom, no reply again. It wasn't locked so I opened it.

"Aghhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I clambered down to the floor to find my father lying on the floor.

"Dad!" I shouted shoogling him. "Dad!"

I jumped up racing through to the office to use the phone.

"Hello!" I said panicking.

"911, what's your emergency?" The prerecorded voice said.

"I need an ambulance!" I shouted as it redirected me to a real person.

"Hello." The voice said.

"I need an ambulance!" I shouted into the phone.

"Okay what's the emergency?" She asked.

"My dad, I found him lying on the floor, I don't think he's breathing." I stuttered panicking so much.

"Okay honey, if you could tell me your adress." She said.

"Queens Ground Hotel, the penthouse." I said rushing back through to the bathroom where he was.

"Okay and your name?" She asked.

"Grace Bass." I said into the phone.

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