Chapter 4 - I'm Fine

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- Chuck

I have no idea why Blair is being so stubborn about going to a doctor, I mean it's not like it's going to be serious? She'll just get given some antibiotics and then she'll be fine, problem solved. She isn't speaking to me at all throughout the whole ride to the doctors. Finally the limo stopped and we got out.

"Are you ready to look like an over protective idiot Bass?" Asked Blair looking at me confidently.

"I hope so." I said letting it slide. I held her hand and we walked in and went up to the desk. "Appointment for Bass" I said and she looked down her list of appointments.

"Take a seat Mr and Mrs Bass." She said gesturing to the waiting room.

"Thank you." I said and led Blair over to two chairs by the window. She just sat gazing out into the busy street.

"Are you alright?" I asked, she was being very quiet for Blair.

"Chuck...what if I am sick?" She asked her eyes watering.

"Blair...come here." I said and put my arm round her and hugged her tightly.

" I'm right, I'm not sick! I'm Blair Waldorf!" She said wiping her eyes and shaking me off. Now that's the girl I love! A door opened from one of the rooms.

"Blair Waldorf Bass?" An assistant called. We stood up. Blair brushed down her skirt and I straightened my tie. "Right this way please."

And with that we went.

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