Chapter 7 - Hard Truth

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- Blair

We arrived at the hospital hand in hand. We had decided that we wouldn't pick Grace up from Dorota's until we got the rubbish sorted out.

"You okay?" He murmered as we walked in the automatic doors.

"Off course I am Bass, don't be silly!" I said. He nodded and we strided up to the desk.

"Appointment for Blair Waldorf Bass" said Chuck leaning in to be as quiet as he could. I told him the last thing I wanted was a gossip girl blast and Serena and Nate and my family to be worried about what would end up being nothing.

"Okay. Just go up a floor and go to the left into block D." She said and went back to typing on her computer.

"Thank you." Chuck said and we walked off in all the directions she told us and arrived there. A woman in blue overalls came over to greet us.

"Hello, you must be Mr and Mrs Bass? Follow me." She said and she led us to a very plain white office where she gestured for us to take a seat so we did.

"Okay so my name is Linsey and me and my boss Dr Keith will be taking you through the tests today, so Blair I understand that you have been referred here by your doctor as you could possibly have Leukemia. Now basically we are just going to lots of different things to check if you have it, which hopefully you don't of course. So basically I'm just going to start with asking some questions. So I understand you've definitely been having some of the symptoms, when did these start?" She said.

"Umm, maybe just less than a month ago but they definetley have been getting worse." I answered.

"Okay, have you been pregnant in the last 5 years?" Linsey asked.

"Yes, me and Chuck just had our baby girl about hmm.. Just over three months ago." I said.

"Is she healthy?" She said.

"Very." Said Chuck, contributing to the conversation. Linsey smiled at him.

"Okay and do you smoke or take any drugs?" Linsey asked taking notes.

"No I don't smoke and I don't take drugs." I said truthfully.

"Right, what about alcohol?" Asked Linsey.

"Um I mean like I have a little martini every now and again. Every party and event. But I've only been drinking again recently since I gave it up whilst pregnant with our daughter." I replied. Chuck nodded and squeezed my hand. I could feel him just through the way he touched me that he was telling me well done I'm doing well.

"Okay, sounds good, thank you Blair! Now we are going to go to a different room and perform a test we call a CBC which stands for a Complete Bloood Count. Basically all we do is take a sample of some of your blood and test it to see the number of red blood cells, the number and type of white blood cells and some other complicated things that I won't bother to explain. So shall we go for it?" She asked.

"Yes." I said and the day went on like this. Her talking and talking and trying to explain to me what she was doing but I'm no doctor and I don't really care. I mean I'm not actually sick. But we basically just went room to room with her jabbing me with needle and other things all day. Chuck was never more that 5ft away, and he was watching the entire time intensely. It was like we was worried she would kill me or something. Eventually she declared that she was finished and that we could sit in her office for an hour or so while they check out the results so we did. Finally me and Chuck has some time to ourselves.

"I miss Grace." I said.

"I know." He replied.

"This is so pointless being here and not with her." I said getting a bit frustrated. I had been managing to keep the inner Bitchy Blair to myself as I really didn't want Linsey to meet her.

"Wouldn't it be better to know for sure Blair?" He said making a point.

"I suppose. I just keep asking myself what would Audrey Hepburn do?" I said.

"Aha, what about what would Chuck Bass do?" He laughed.

"Hmm, you mean apart from drink 1000 litres of scotch, I don't know!" I said laughing too.

Then Linsey opened the door with a frown on her face.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Chuck standing up. I was concerned too, that face did not look like yay you've not got cancer face.

"Mr and Mrs Bass if you'd like to follow me to my boss's office Dr Keith." She said tucking her died blonde hair behind her ear and looking down at the floor. I exchanged quick scared glances with Chuck and then we followed Linsey down the bright corridor. She opened a tinted glass door and behind the desk sat a man, maybe in his 50's or so. I'm presuming he must be Dr Keith then.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Bass. Take a seat." He said and we moved in to the room from the doorway and took a seat on his green leather couch. Chuck gripped tightly onto my knee and recently that would have hurtled but to be honest I think my entire body was too numb with nerves to even care. Linsey shut the door and stood beside Dr Keith they both looked at me sympathetically. Oh god. Am I really?

"Blair, the tests have shown that you do have Leukemia, more specifically Chronic Leukemia.  So since you've met the requirements I am going to have to diagnose you with it. I'm so so sorry." He said. I could not believe it. This can't be happening. Chuck burst into tears right there, right infront of the doctors. He just cried into his hands. I was too shocked to realise. Me? Leukemia? No!

"W-w-what? No!" I stuttered just taking in what he was saying. Chuck was in complete hysterics now. I've never seen him like this before, never this bad.

"What exactly is wrong with me? What are chances? Can I be cured?" I said tears streaming down my face.

"Well, basically Chronic means the disease progresses slowly which is a good thing! But basically what's happening is your bone marrow is making way too many of a certain type of white blood cell which is making you very sick. As for your chances they probably aren't good. The survival rate is only 14% which is not high at all. I would say you are probably going to die with in the next 2 years-" he was interrupted with the loud sound of Chucks screaming. Dr Keith looked like he wasn't sure what to do, Linsey took over.

"But of course uh we can try to slow the progression down if you under go chemotherapy, you could maybe have about 5 or 6 years? But we will talk about this another day." Said Linsey attempting to lighten the mood. Chuck stopped crying for a second and managed to pull himself together enough to ask a question.

"So are you saying that no matter what, Blair is going to die within the next 6 years?" He said looking angrily at Linsey.

"No no! No that isn't what I'm saying Mr Bass! All I mean is that currently Leukemia has no cure so we are really just hoping for a miracle." Explained Linsey.

"I need a miracle." I said and broke down in tears,  I feel completely shattered. This can't be happening...

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