Chapter 25 - Plan

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- Blair

"When is it for." I asked looking at the floor. Chuck tore open the letter and skimmed down.

"Next week." He said looking at me sadly.

"It'll go fine, put that away, now more importatly it's my birthday tomorrow!" I said smiling, he did too.

"Ah yes, now what would you like to do on the special date of November 15th." He said as he buttoned his shirt.

"Well I have it all planned out actually." I said beaming.

"Oh really? Now what would you like to do? Are you wanting a party." He asked sitting on the bed.

"No, I dot really care about having a party this year. I just want a me and you day." I said happily.

"Hmm I like the sound of this, what do you have in mind?" He said smirking.

"Well we will spend time with Grace in the morning then go and drop her off at Dorota's. Then we will go up the Empire State Building with pink peonies and have that perfect moment we never had years ago. Then we'll go to my favourite cafe Sarabeths for lunch. Then we will go and feed the ducks because I am a generous person. After that we will go to the fountain where we got married and have a little kiss or two. Then we will meet Dan, Serena and Nate for dinner at butter. Then they'll all leave and we will go to Victrola and have our special moment there. How does that sound?" I laughed realising how much effort I put into making this.

"That sounds perfect." He said smiling and he got up and kissed me passionately.

"Anyway, I better be off." He said grabbing his breifcase."

"Me too, see you later love." I said and we parted ways.

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