Chapter 3 - Odd

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- Blair

I open my eyes to see Chuck standing over me.

"Hey Blair." He said smiling softly.

"Aurgh Chuck what are you doing? How long have you been standing there? Infact hang on shouldn't you be at work?" I said confused.

"Not long and I decided to take the day off." He said.

"Why?" I said sitting up in bed. "It's no special occasion, go to work Chuck."

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Freezing, why is it so cold?" I said angrily.

"Blair it's definitely not cold in here." He said laughing. "You do look pretty pale though."

"Yeh, I suppose I do, where's Grace." I asked just realising I hadn't heard her.

"I asked Dorota to look after her." He said.

"But why we are both here?" I said as I climbed out of bed.

"Woah Blair another bruise, people are going to start to think I'm hitting you or something, where did that one come from?" He said laughing. I turned to look in the mirror and he was right. Another big blue bruise had appeared this time on my back.

"Oh yeh." I said and put on my bathrobe, I didn't want him staring at it and it was also freezing. He took my hand and wandered into the kitchen. He put on some toast.

"So why is Grace not here?" I asked again.

"I thought we deserved a day to ourselves?" He said not looking up from the toast he was buttering.

"Oh, alright, so what are we going to do today?" I said smiling as he was right, we really needed a day just to be Chuck and Blair. I sat down at the breakfast bar. "Owww!" I winced. Chuck dropped the toast and came over looking very worried.

"Blair! Are you alright!" He said looking petrified.

"Yes Bass, calm yourself! It's just I feel like my bones and joints hurt, I don't know, it's nothing." I said rubbing my hand back and forth down my shin.

"Uh Blair, if something is hurting you then it's not nothing, I'm really concerned! Yesterday you were saying you were way to hot and felt like you couldn't breath. The day before that your body was covered in little red pin sized dots under your skin! Now today! Stop playing this down! We are going to a doctor!" He said getting angry.

"Chuck it's nothing , I'm telling you it's nothing." I said reaching out and stroking his face. He pulled my hands off gently.

"Blair, get changed, we are going to a doctor and there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind." He said sternly and let go of my hands.

"Fine! But your the one who's going to look like and idiot taking me in and there is nothing wrong!" I said frustrated.

"Well I hope that does happen! But honestly I think we'll be safer just getting it checked so come on, go get changed now." He said gesturing to our room.

"Fine jeez ugh." I said. There is nothing wrong with Blair Waldorf and I know it.

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