Chapter 6 - Bad Dreams Blair

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- Blair

"Hello Blair!" Said Jack Bass hovering over me. "Hmm this is cosy huh." Where am I, what is he doing here, what is this small dark enclosed space.

"Jack! Where am I!" I screamed.

"Calm down beautiful, we are in a coffin, well your coffin, in a hole, underground, in a graveyard." He said smirking. What am I doing here.?

"Have I died?" I asked.

"Yes, you died 10 years ago, ahh what a shame. What was it that caused your death, oh yes, Leukemia, so tragic." He said playing with my hair.

"Get off me Jack and no, I'm very much alive, I don't have Leukemia. Where's Chuck? And Grace?" I asked so confused.

"Don't you get it princess, your dead! But I suppose I could take you on a little trip, would you like to see you beloved Chuck and daughter Grace?" He said. I looked at him only just realising that he was a ghost.

"Jack are you dead too?" I said.

"Ahh no. I'm just a spirit you see. Now you'll you like to go or not?" He said loosing patience.

"Fine." I said. He clicked his fingers then all of a sudden I was standing in the bar of the empire. I looked around and sitting on one of the stools was Chuck.

"Chuck!" I shouted he didn't move a muscle.

"He can't hear you." Said Jack laughing.

"What! Why?" I said.

"Because beautiful, your dead, remember?" He said. "Just watch Blair."

I listened to what Jack was saying and finally understood. I was dead and had been for a long time Leukemia killed me. And this is Chuck without me. His hair looked like he'd never washed it, his suit looked like he'd not changed it in a month, and he smelled like he'd never showered in his life. He was there, my Chuck. But he wasn't my Chuck. He downed the rest of his scotch and slammed it on the counter.

"Another." He demanded. The bar tender served him another. I couldn't watch anymore, I turned to Jack.

"Is this all he does?" I asked tears in my eyes.

"He's basically never left this spot since your passing." Said Jack. I swallowed hard.

"What about Grace?" I asked concerned.

"Chuck has never seen her, Serena and Dan have raised her. Chuck said she reminded him too much of you and handed her over once and never came back." He said.

"No... No.. Nooooooooo!" I shouted and then it went black.


I opened my eyes and screamed as loud as I could. I heard footsteps and the door flew open.

"Blair what's wrong, are you okay?" Shouted Chuck as he rushed to my side.

"Wh-wh-wh-what? I thought I was d-d-dead? You were... You were." I spluttered and burst into tears. Chuck climbed into bed and cuddled with me.

"Sssshhhh, it's okay. It was only a dream. Your very much alive and will be forever and I won't leave you ever. You hear me.. Ever." He murmered stroking my hair.

"The..the coffin and j-j-Jack the spirit and..and" I said still in hysterics.

"Blair.. Blair look at me! Look at me!" He said cupping my face in his hands. "It was just a dream, now come on and get dressed then we'll head for the hospital okay, you can do this! Nothing is going to be wrong okay?" He squeezed my wrist gently.

"Owwwee!" I winced.

"Blair I'm sorry!"He said immediately.

"No no it's fine, just a bit of pain in my joints aha!" I said. "Now let's go!" I said and climbed out bed wiping my tears.

"That's my girl!" Chuck replied.

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