Chapter 10 - Good Morning Blair

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- Blair

I awoke to see a body in the bed that was not there when I went to sleep. He must have got in late. I looked at the time, 8:00. I sat up and my bones felt agony, oh my god.

"Aghhhhhh." I winced as I got out of bed I picked up my pillow and threw it at Chuck.

"Damnit Blair what time is it ugh." He snapped.

"Jeez, well at least I won't need to worry about special treatment from you." I laughed.

"My head.." He winged.

"Come on." I said and helped him up.

"Agh it's too bright." He moaned covering his eyes.

"Chuck you didn't go to work yesterday did you?" I said realising what happened yesterday. He looked at me apologetically.

"Blair I'm sorry, I just needed one night to drink it off and then I will be the husband you need okay. There I'm done." He said.

"Chuck, I just really wanted you to go to work." I said sighing.

"I know, I'm sorry." He replied. "Now I'll sober up quick cause I'm here for you now."

"You better be Bass cause I need you." I said smiling. We went into the kitchen to check all the cater waiters had everything sorted and we went to check with the decorators to make sure it was perfect. Afterwords we went to get dressed. I wore a yellow Marc Jacobs dress with a matching headband and sprayed my trusted Chanel No.5 all over me. Chuck was still in the shower so I sat and turned on the TV. Then all of a sudden my phone went off, a gossip girl Blast. Oh no.

Hey Upper Eastsiders, Gossip Girl Here!

Your One and Only Source Into the

Scandalous Lives of

Manhattans Elite!


What's up B?

Spotted! Blairs Daddy and Daddy 2 have been spotted arriving at JFK in the middle of the night. Isn't a little bit strange how they come with no apparent reason. Also spotted right now, seams like S and D are paying a visit to the Empire along with N. And yet another couple heading to the Empire, Mummy Waldorf and Daddy 3. That's a hell of a lot of people at once B! Are you having a party and we're not invited? Keep your eyes peeled people, we are getting to the end of this mystery!

You know you love me!
XOXO Gossip Girl

"CHUCK!" I shouted. I could hear the water stop immediately, he scrambled out of the bathroom wearing a towel round his waist.

"What's wrong?" He said looking panicky. I slid my phone along the bed, my mouth wide open with shock. He read it quickly.

"Oh my god." He said giving me my phone back. "Don't worry it'll be fine Blair."

"Yeh your right, you better get dressed, it's half past ten" I nagged.

"Okay, but Blair, have you actually thought about what your going to say." He said, he made a point, I had no clue.

"I'll manage."

Goodbye Blair WaldorfWhere stories live. Discover now