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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious. 



I stood quickly from the couch in fear of these men but Erik looked at me giving me a reassuring look.

"It's okay, it's okay. I know them." Erik said closing the door.

I frowned. He knows them? How?

"Can you please go to the room? I'll call you when we're done." Erik said.

I was so shocked that I didn't dare to ask anything, I just nodded and went to the guests room and closed the door behind. Who are these guys and what are they doing here?

Around an hour later, Erik opened the door and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey there." He said.

"Hey." I said he closed the door and walked towards me, he sat on the bed next to me.

"How are you?" He asked throwing himself in the bed. We were both now looking at the white ceiling.

"I am okay I guess... - I said biting my lip – who are those men?" I asked and he moved his hands and placed them behind his head.

"Security guards." He simply said.

"What?" I asked confused, sitting in the bed now, he did the same and turned to look at me.

"I need to keep you safe, keep us safe." He said emphasizing the word "us". I narrowed my eyes.

"Matilda are you serious?" He asked.

"I don't know but this remembers me of my father-

"Please... Matilda. This is absurd. This psycho left a note, a threat in your house. Do you still expect that I let you go around unprotected?" He asked with a confused face. I sighed.

"Fine." I agreed annoyed.

I was looking down to my feet now. He kicked my feet his boot and we both laughed.

"Do you need anything?" He asked but I shook my head.

"Do you want to sleep in here?" He asked and I nodded.

"You can always come to sleep with me." He said. I swallowed hard. No, I can't.

"No thanks, I'll be fine in here." I said. He looked at me confused but I guess he let it go.

We remained silent for a minute but then he spoke.

"Remember our pajama parties?" He asked and he laughed but remained silent.

"Those were funny." He added shaking his head with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said quickly, getting up from the bed and walking to the window. The city lights looked like tiny dots in a black sea.

"Please, be honest." He said.

"I just- I miss when everything was less... -

"Complicated?" He asked and I nodded.

"Me too." He said.

We both sighed at the same time and then I felt his steps closer to me. He stood next to me on the window, watching the city lights.

"You're safe in here." He said.

"I know." I said and suddenly I felt his warm hand on mine. I froze. What is he doing? I looked at him confused but terrified at the same time but his eyes were on the city.

After all - Erik Durm FanficWhere stories live. Discover now