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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious. 



Dinner with my father went great. He and Erik get along so well, we even found out he was a big fan of Borussia Dortmund and Erik invited him to come along every time he wanted. He promised to call me more often and he has kept that promise. He writes me a text every morning now, even saying a simple "Good morning sweetie" it's enough to keep me smiling the whole day. Sometimes he calls me at night to see how my day went. And I love the fact that I am past that angry stage I had, we're happy and close now.

I moved back to my apartment since I feel safer now. I can't live in Erik's house forever. He sent Dima and Valan to stay with me, my father insisted too so I agreed. They usually hang out in my living room playing FIFA games. Sometimes they take turns to watch over and now since Andy, my ex-roommate is back to United States, there is so much room in my apartment.

Erik has been playing so well, he has an amazing health and he comes by every day after training. We would watch a movie or play something, then we cook and we spend some time more alone before he heads back home.

I finally enrolled myself in a photography course. I quit my job at the coffee shop to pursue a career in filmmaking which I believe it has become my passion lately, the most amazing thing is that I've got support from my father and Erik. Life was good and I was happy again. I decided to visit my mother's grave to bring her flowers and just talk to her.

My dad insisted that I should sell my vespa, he said it's not safe especially with that "crazy" around and he might be right but he was in the past. I agreed and we sold the vespa and he got me an audi. At first I was mad because I didn't want his money but then the car is so beautiful and I'll never be able to pay for something like this so eventually I accepted it. I grabbed my coat and decided to go to the cemetery. Dima and Valan came with me but in their own car. I wanted to feel like I had a life of my own and the presence of them being in the same car with me made me feel like I hasn't so I asked them to join me but in their own car, they accepted.

It was a bit cloudy today but that didn't stop me. I wanted my mom to know that I've amend things with dad and that I was happy now. The stone was exactly how I remembered. The last time I was here was when we buried her. I was 9.

The stone was light grey and it said "In the memory of Magda Pauls Van Schorer, loving wife and mother. Let the light guide you forever. We love you" I read the words and felt tears forming in my eyes. It was a bit dirty so I cleaned with my hands the dirt. I also bough in the way, white tulips to bring them to her stone. I placed them there and sat on the ground with my knees on the dirt.

"Hi mom, it's me your daughter... Matilda." I started. I suddenly felt stupid for just to be talking to a stone but it was the representation of my mom. I knew she was there, that she was listening to me.

I looked back and saw Dima and Valan leaned outside the car, looking in my direction. I returned my eyes to the stone.

"I know I haven't been here in a long time. 14 years to be precise. The truth is... I wasn't ready. I never was." I said. The tears running down my cheek now.

"I am sorry, I really am. I just want you to know that I miss you more than ever. I made amends with dad. We're good now and he told me the truth." My voice cracked.

"I didn't know you were pregnant – I couldn't keep going. It was too much. I missed her so badly, I just wish she was there. I swallowed hard and tried to keep going. I just wish Erik was here too.

"I understand why dad carried all that pain of knowing it by himself. I was only 9 but I deserved to know." I said. I looked down at my hands, filled with dirt and felt my heart breaking.

"I could have had a sister or a brother." I whispered to myself.

"I have forgiven him – I continued – I've forgiven dad. We're fine now. He texts me every morning and calls me every other day at night. We meet at least once in a week to have dinner or lunch." I said. I knew she would be smiling to this.

"I know you're going to be happy and at peace with yourself." I said caressing the stone. It was cold but it was beautiful. "I also found someone I love mom, just like you said that day I arrived from school. I was 7 remember? You said that I loved Erik, well... I do. I do love him." I said, a tender smile forming on my face.

"We're so happy. We've just been dating for 4 months now. It's quite new but he makes me so happy." I said with a smile like idiot.

"I also figured out what I want to do with my life. I want to direct movies so I enrolled myself in a photography course to learn how to use the camera properly, then I am going to university to study as a career. What do you think?" Even though I didn't receive any answer. I knew she was happy for me. I smiled.

I felt a warm breeze in that cold day and I knew it was her, blessing me and caressing me.

"I love you too." I said closing my eyes and smiling.

"Miss Pauls!!" I heard Dima exclaiming. I turned around and saw them running towards me.

"Run, run this way." Valan exclaimed pointing and their direction. I was confused.

"Miss Pauls run to us!!" Dima said, they were taking their guns out looking behind me. I froze. I turned around and saw Tom running towards me.

What? What is he doing here? How did he-

Before I could run towards Dima and Valan's direction, he grabbed me by the arm and I felt the cold metal in my temple.

"If you give another step, I'll kill her so you can bury her in here with his mummy." He said with a tiny voice.

"You bastard!" I exclaimed.

Dima and Valan were pointing at him with the guns. I could see Tom was under the influence. His breath smelled like licor and his eyes were red.

"If you give another step I'll kill her, I swear. Drop your weapons! DROP THEM!" He yelled.

I couldn't believe there was no one in here beside us. I was trying to scream but he had one hand covering my mouth. Slowly Dima and Valan placed the weapons to the floor and before the blink of an eye, Tom shoot at them, one bullet to each one of them. I screamed and fought but he was stronger.

I was just thinking about them and how this sick bastard hurt them, I just wish they're alive. He pushed me to the car and put me in the drivers seat. "If you take a detour, scream or even just pronounce a word, I'll kill you and then I'll kill your stupid boyfriend." He said. I felt my heart frozen.

Erik. I thought.

He sat on the co-pilot seat and pointed the gun on my waist. "If I pull the trigger in here, you'll die in less than 6 seconds. So you decide. Either way I am going to get that money you two owe me" He said. I swallowed hard. Please let it be a nightmare, I thought myself.

"DRIVE!" He yelled. I turned on the engine and left the cemetery not before seeing a glimpse of the bodies laying in the floor, the bodies of Dima and Valan. I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe this is happening.


So a bit of drama is coming. Let me know if you're liking this story. We have 5 chapters left. Enjoy!

Rockets of love,


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