Dancing and kindness

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She nodded as she looked at him dressed in a suit, "you look good," she smiled,

"Now... We need to find you something to wear..."

He held up a dress and she smiled, "I'm not sure,"

He raised an eyebrow, "try it,"

She came out of the changing room and he smiled. She wore a high necked black dress that skimmed her frame and settled by her ankles. The dress dipped low at the back and he smiled,

"You look amazing,"

"Well that was easier than I thought."

She came down the stairs that evening, wearing the dress he had picked, her hair nearly curled and her make up slightly darker than usual.

"I can see why everyone wants to dance with you," he smiled, "you're a knock out,"

She slipped her arm through his as they got into the awaiting taxi,

"Connie Beauchamp," Michael Spence smiled, kissing her cheek before shaking Jacobs hand.

"Husband swap... For some tv programme," she replied and Jacob smiled,

"You two look good together," Michael nodded and Connie smiled,

"Well he cooks and cleans which is a far cry from Sam."

"Let's go out for dinner," Sam smiled, "might take my mind of the fact my wife is at a ball with your husband,"

"A ball?" Bex asked as she began to redo her makeup,

"A networking event... But she always gets asked to dance whilst I'm trying to network and improve my career,"

"So you let her dance with other men? I bet she'd rather dance with you," Bex told him, watching as Sam shrugged,

"She's never said,"

Bex picked up her coat, "maybe she's used to it, but I bet she'd like it if you asked her to dance."

She couldn't help but smile as Jacob held his hand out to her,

"You know, I don't know how your husband puts up with everyone trying to be all over you like this..."

She shrugged, fitting into his arms easily, "he's usually too busy networking,"

"Well if you were my wife, I'd be the only one all over you,"

She smiled at his words, "that's nice to hear," she admitted and he held her firmly.

They ended up spending the whole evening dancing together. She couldn't remember the last time a man held her so firmly, or when she'd last had so much fun dancing.

"Let's go back," she smiled, resisting the urge to take his hand,

"They look good together," Elliott smiled, "I haven't seen her smile like that for a long time."

He walked along the corridor outside her bedroom. He didn't know what it was about this woman, but he felt good when he was in her company. The thought of her laying alone in bed down the same corridor as him was messing with his mind and he sighed before knocking on the door.

"Jacob?" She asked and he opened the door, "good timing, could you help me with my dress?"

He nodded, "your electric gate won't close properly,"

She shrugged, "I'll call them tomorrow,"

He stepped closer to her and moved her hair from around the button at the top of her neck. He undid the button carefully and unzipped the side of the dress. She allowed the dress to slip into the floor and he inhaled, "I should go," he smiled, "I'm married yet I don't want to stop looking at you when you're stood like that,"

She rolled her eyes and pulled on a pair of silk shorts and a camisole before shrugging a short dressing down over he small frame,

"I'm not even sure that's any better," he smiled,

"Why did you come in here?" She asked him, her hands running up and down his chest as he sighed,

"I couldn't sleep knowing you were lying so close by," he admitted,

"Come," she smiled, taking his hands and pulling him into the bed with her. He cuddled her gently, watching her as she fell asleep quickly. "This was a bad idea," he admitted, "this isn't real... This is two weeks away from our normal life, this must be all it is,"

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