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He watched her as she ran her hands over the young girls forehead.

"What will happen to me now?" The girl asked as Connie sat beside her and held her hand gently,

"What family do you have sweetheart?"

"No one now... Only a grandad but he's in a home,"

"Oh," Connie spoke quietly, "well I guess you'll go into foster care with a family, and then a family may adopt you,"

Jacob placed a gentle kiss on Connie's head as the young girl slept soundly,

"I know what you're thinking, but you're attached already... It's going to hurt if we foster her and then she's taken away,"

"She cried her eyes out when the other foster parents came Jacob,"

He nodded, "I'll support you, you know that,"

"Your shift ends soon..."

She got up and cuddled into his chest,

"Connie," she murmured the following morning, and Jacob smiled, "she's at home... How are you feeling?"

"My arm hurts,"

He nodded, looking up as Connie entered the room with the foster agency,

"Connie," she smiled and Jacob smiled and nodded at her,

"This is a picture of our daughters," Connie told Hannah, "grace is 12, Sophies 15... If we were to foster you, you'd have to like them too,"

Hannah smiled, "grace is in the year above me... She's in my dance group,"

Connie smiled as the foster agency nodded, "you fancy coming back with us?"

"Hannah," Grace squealed, hugging her friend, "are you going to be our sister for a while? This is Soph,"

"And this is Rosie," Connie smiled as the dog wagged her tail as Connie crouched beside her, "she likes new friends,"

"Rosie's mums favourite," Grace grinned as Connie rolled her eyes,

Sophie smiled, "hi Hannah, were about to take Rosie for a walk," She smiled, "would you like to come with us?"

"Please," she nodded politely and Jacob wrapped his arms around Connie's shoulders,

"Make sure she doesn't hold the lead with her arm, she still pulls Soph,"

Soph nodded, "we still going for lunch and shopping mum?"

Grace smiled, "of course sweetheart, look after them, I'll see you soon."

Connie looked at Jacob and he ran his hand up and down her back, "I thought I'd take the other two for lunch while you and Soph are out,"

"Good idea," she nodded, "thank you Jacob,"

"What for?" He asked as he tucked her hair behind her ear,

"Being the best husband I could wish for."

He kissed her forehead, "I will support you through anything you know that,"

"You're happy though aren't you?"

"Why'd you ask?" He smiled kindly,

"You spend so much time making us happy, sometimes I hope that you're happy too,"

"You girls make me the happiest I've ever been sweet cheeks, I couldn't wish for anything more." He kissed her hair gently and she smiled, "I love you Jacob masters."

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