Birthday surprise

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It was Jacobs birthday and he smiled as he came home to see a suit laid out on the bed and a note next to it, "we're going out for dinner, put this on... Here's the address, I'll meet you there. Michaels got Betty. I love you xx" was all the note read and he smiled, they hadn't managed to spend much time together recently and he missed her.

He smiled as he pulled up at the secluded restaurant, he'd wanted to eat here for a while yet with their ever growing schedules they hadn't had the chance.

She smiled as she waited for him at the entrance,

"You look incredible Con," he smiled and she placed her hands on his chest and kissed his mouth,

"So do you... Happy birthday staff nurse Masters,"

"I have a present for you," she smiled, slipping onto his lap as he took the nearly wrapped gift from her,

"This and spending time with you is more than enough for me," he smiled and she kissed his temple, "I think this will be your favourite one..."

He unwrapped the gift, tears filling his eyes as he looked at what was inside.

"Sweetheart?" He questioned, watching as she placed his hand on her still flat stomach,

"Say something... You're making me nervous... This is what you want isn't it?"

"I... I..." He uttered and she rolled her eyes, "I'm pregnant Jacob... We're having a baby,"

"I'm so happy," he uttered, tears rolling down his cheeks no matter how he tried to stop them. She kissed his mouth and he ran his hands through her hair,

"I can't believe you're pregnant," he smiled, "of course I'm happy... This is everything I've ever wanted."

"I had my scan today... That's why I wanted to meet you here... We can go to the next one together, I wish I'd invited you today, but I..." She shrugged, "you're always surprising me and I wanted to surprise you,"

He kissed her gently, "I thought you were on the pill,"

"I am," she smiled, placing her hands over his, "must have been fate."

He watched her pull on her running coat before she leaned over and kissed his mouth,

"Aoife?" He asked and she shook her head, "it's beautiful but a pain to spell,"

"And should you be running?" He asked, pulling her down onto him as she smiled as he kissed her,

"I can do whatever activity I did pre pregnancy as long as it's comfortable," she told him and he rolled his eyes,

"Is that so..."

"Don't start this... I need to exercise..."

"This is exercise,"

"Run... I need to run and I need to get to work,"

"Spoilsport," he grumbled,

"We can do this tonight... And tomorrow... We're both off,"

He rolled onto his back, his hands behind his head, "okay sweetheart,"

She kissed his gently, "I'll be careful, I'll see you later,"


She popped her head back through the doorway,

"Puppy training tonight... I know," she smiled.

"Because God forbid you don't like our new baby," he smiled as he fed Betty, "I think she'd make the baby move out instead of you."

He cuddled up behind her as she flicked on the kettle,

"They offered for her to be trained as a guide dog..." Connie uttered,

Jacob raised his eyebrow as she leaned back into him, "I take it you said no,"

"Of course I did... She's our dog," she replied, "and besides... I'd miss her resting her head on my bump when you're not here to look after me,"

"You look after her don't you," Jacob smiled at the dog who sat by their feet wagging her tail,

"I really hope she's okay when the baby comes... I know we can't leave them alone together and that's fine... It sounds stupid but I couldn't bear to give her up,"

"I think she will be," he smiled,

"She was around kids at the farm and she was fine,"

"That's true," Connie smiled. 

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