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She sat wrapped up in his strong arms as they overlooked the glittering lights of Holby. She had a glass of wine in her hand and she smiled as he kissed her cheek,

"I love the smell of your perfume," he told her and she allowed him to pull her that bit closer,

"Sam cheated on me," she told him, "and I doubt it's the first person he's done it with... I feel so angry, yet I've been sleeping with you for months,"

"I told you when I met you that he's a fool," he told her, taking her hands, "any man that doesn't treat you properly is a fool... Me included, I should have left Bex long ago,"

"You're not a fool," she told him gently, and he took his hands from hers and slipped them under her coat,

"Don't you start something you can't finish," she smiled, pressing her lips against his neck,

"Babe, it's not like we haven't had sex outdoors before,"

She groaned against his neck as his hands slipped into her underwear, "your skin drives me insane," he groaned as his fingers slipped between her thighs, "why did you choose to wear these bloody tight trousers,"

She turned away from him for a moment and pulled them down her legs, before kneeling before him and removing his own trousers.

"I want you to fuck me," he told him, "I want to feel you inside me and I want you to make me scream,"

He moved her so she lay against the warm blanket, entering her quickly as she wrapped her legs around his fast moving hips,

"Like that?" He asked and she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his mouth,

"Fuck," he uttered as he lifted her, moving her up and down, watching as she flung her head back and moved above him. He stumbled slightly as he pushed her back against a tree, holding her still and placing his hands either side of her face,

"I love you very much," he told her, before he carried her so she sat astride him on the bench. She cried out as he moved quickly, his hands pulled her mouth towards him and she came loudly as she rode through her orgasm,

"Jesus," he uttered as she collapsed onto his chest and kissed him, his cries muffled as he too orgasmed in the open air.

He was surprised as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his skin. He held her tightly, rocking her gently,

"If I had my way I'd never let you go again," he told her. She got up and laughed, "we look half dressed and ridiculous."

He shook his head, "don't be ridiculous, your legs look incredible..."

They walked back to her house and he slipped his hands around her waist as she made them both a cup of coffee.

"You should go," she told him as she handed his a mug and he ran his hands gently across her collarbone,

"Or you could grab us some blankets and we could fall asleep in our underwear with the fire roaring," He tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her temple, "and you could let me hold you until the morning,"

"This is going to hurt us more when you leave tomorrow," she told him quietly and he nodded,

"I know sweetheart."

"What are you doing," she asked as he ran his hands across her face, his lips soon following the path his hands had taken,

"I'm remembering you," he smiled and she rolled her eyes,

"You see me everyday,"

"Not like this... Not wearing perfectly fitting underwear over your smooth skin, or with your freckles scattered across your cheeks... I don't get to see you so relaxed and tactile... If the world were to end right now I'd have loved to spend my last hours with you looking like this."

She woke a few hours later and shifted in his arms, he groaned in his sleep and she smiled.

"Jacob... It's three am... Let's go to bed," she prompted gently. He took her hand and followed her, falling into bed whilst she took of her make up.

"Stop faffing around and come and curl up with me," he yawned and she turned off the bathroom light and did as he asked.

"You're nothing less than perfect," he whispered against her hair as her cold feet slipped between his legs.

"One day I'll make you my wife... You just wait,"

"I may hold you to that," she whispered and he kissed her mouth,

"Good night beautiful girl," he smiled against her forehead, "I love you."

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