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They jogged along the beach together, both with ear phones in. Connie wore shorts and a sports bra, the heat not really allowing her to wear much more. Jacob ran beside her in a pair of shorts and every now and again she caught him smiling at her.

"Now we've ran 10km, fancy a swim?" he asked and she nodded,

"Stay close to me," she asked him, "I haven't swum for a long time,"

He nodded, entering the water beside her. "There's a large rock over there," he nodded, "about 1/4 of a mile out... Want to aim for that?"

She nodded and he kissed her mouth,

They swim side by side, her stamina and easy front crawl impressed him,

She reached the rock, allowing him to pull her up. "Wow," she smiled, leaning back against the warm, flat surface of the rock face, "this view is incredible,"

She pulled him too her, making him groan with want as she pulled down his shorts and took his hard length into her hand.

"We can't," he uttered and she smiled, moving her hand up and down as he cursed,

"We can... No one can see us out here,"

He rolled his head back as her mouth replaced her hands,

"Jesus Connie,"

He came quickly in the open air and he ran his hands over his face as she kissed his neck, allowing him to catch her breath.

She wriggled out of her shorts and bikini bottoms before leaning back against the rock again and placing her foot on a rock beside her,

She slipped her hands inbetween her thighs and his eyes widened as he watched her. He knelt in front of her, taking her fingers into his mouth before his lips pressed between her thighs,

"As good as it is I don't want foreplay," she smiled, pulling him up to her, "I want you inside me, now,"

She didn't have to ask twice and as he entered her, he lifted her so she could move up and down above him.

"You're insatiable," she groaned and he kissed her mouth,

"Only for you... You're out of this world."

She came first and he shuddered as her inner walls gripped him, causing him to release inside of her.

She pulled on her clothes and he laughed, pulling her too him and cuddling her as she rested her head into his neck,

"How do you expect me to find the energy to swim back now?" She smiled and he placed his hands either side of her face and kissed her,

"You can swim anywhere with that flashy front crawl Mrs... Is there anything you can't do?"

She kissed him, "I like to think not."

"Can we pick her up on the way home?" Connie asked, placing her hand on his thigh as they stopped at traffic lights,

He rolled his eyes, "Betty?"

"Of course Betty," she smiled, her smile widening as Jacob nodded,

They pulled up at his mums house and Jacob kissed her cheek.

"Connie... Oh you look even more beautiful with a tan... Jacob masters how on earth did you manage to get her?"

"Cheers Ma," he uttered, before him and his mum couldn't help but laugh as Betty came skidding across the wooden floor, her tail wagging furiously at Connie.

"Oh she's got bigger," Connie smiled, crouching to the floor as the dog nestled into her, barking happily,

"And she's found her voice... Did she behave,"

"Bit subdued for a few days, but she soon perked up," Jacobs mum smiled.

Jacob patted the dog who leaned against his legs, before running back over to Connie who lifted her and cuddled her gently,

"She'll soon be too big too lift," Connie admitted, taking the glass of water Jacob handed her with her free hand.

Jacob smiled as he saw Betty curled up on Connie's lap as Connie sorted through the post. Jacob leaned down and kissed her, before sitting on the sofa behind them, his hand running up and down Connie's arm,

"That dog has got an attachment issue," Jacob teased as Connie rested her head back,

"Don't listen to him Betty, he's only jealous you love me more than you love him,"

The dog barked and they both smiled, Connie stood up and sat down next to Jacob,

"I had a great two weeks," she smiled, sipping her wine and taking his hand,

"Me too sweetcheeks."

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