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She sighed as she realised she had forgotten the charger to her laptop. Turning her car around she waved as she saw Jacobs car in the car park.

As she pulled up at her house she was confused to see a car she didn't recognise outside.

She entered her house quietly, anger bubbling inside of her as she heard noises upstairs. Removing her heels she crept up the stairs, opening the door slowly to reveal a half dressed woman straddling her husband.

"Shit," Sam cursed and she shook her head,

"I forgot my laptop charger," she explained, walking casually over to the bed and removing her charger.

"You didn't say you were married," the woman uttered and Connie shrugged, "he's all yours," she spat, "I expect your stuff out of my house by the time I finish work,"

"What?" He uttered, "where am I supposed to go?"

"I don't know and I don't care," she told him, leaving the room quietly.

"Arsehole," she uttered to herself, well aware she was being hypocritical, but well aware her husband surely didn't love the woman astride him.

She almost made it out the door before a half dressed Sam took her arm,


She shook her head, "we've been arguing for weeks... Months even..." She admitted, "I meant it you know, leave me alone... This marriage is over,"

She pulled her hand from his tight grip and got into her car.

He noticed that something about her had changed and tried and failed, to get her to talk to him over the next few days. He resorted to telling Michael Spence and his heart leapt as he saw her crying into his chest in her office.

"She caught Sam cheating," Michael told Jacob that evening, "I can't say I'm surprised... But how anyone would cheat on that woman is beyond me."

Jacob exhaled heavily, "she's avoiding me,"

Michael nodded, "are you surprised?"

Jacob rested his head back against the wall, "I love her Michael... Not seeing her and watching her like this hurts,"

"Don't give up on her," he nodded, "she's shutting you out... She does that, but don't let her, she needs you."

Husband SwapWhere stories live. Discover now