New puppy

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"Sophie did you make this?" Connie asked as she ran her hand over the large photograph collage that was on the table.

Sophie grinned, "me and Grace sprayed the frame gold too..."

Jacob appeared and she held up the frame, "this is why you were scrubbing the patio?"

"At least I made them do it outside," he smiled, slipping his arms around her waist.

"It's beautiful girls," Connie smiled, leaning forward and kissing their cheeks gently before leaning back against Jacob.

"Are we still going ice skating?" Grace asked sweetly and Connie nodded,

"Woops, your lessons starts in an hour, get your stuff,"

"How about we hit the ice too sweet cheeks?" He asked, surprised as she nodded,


Grace and Sophie laughed, "what? Cheeky girls, you wait until you see us out there," Jacob grinned.

"Con..." He smiled as he tightened up the laces on his skates,

"Hmmm?" She smiled, leaning forward and kissing him as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

"I've only done this once."

She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her, "come on then, let's see what you've got,"

She got on the ice and skated around before taking his hand and skating slowly beside him,

"You look like a bloody professional," he groaned as she span around. Sophie and Grace clapped as they got back on the ice after their lesson,

"Mum... I did not know you could do that," Grace smiled,

"Watch this," she smiled, spinning in the air before skating and crossing her legs over.

"Dad she totally beats you," Sophie teased as she slipped her hand into her dads,

"That woman beats me at everything."

They sat in Wagamamas and Jacob squeezed Connie's hand as the girls went to the toilet,

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I had no idea you could ice skate," he smiled, "anymore hidden talents I need to know about?"

She kissed his mouth and smiled, "I'm pretty good at climbing muscles... Maybe we should go soon,"

"You can climb?"

"I can do anything," she smiled and he ran his hands through her hair before kissing her again,

"Mum... I've got an idea..." Sophie smiled and Connie raised an eyebrow as Grace jumped up and down before wrapping her arms around Connie's waist.

"What are you two monkeys up too?"

"Jodie's dog had puppies..." Grace smiled.

"And we know they won't be Betty but..."

"The house isn't the same without a dog... Can I see?" Jacob asked as he appeared from the living room,

"What would you think Betty? Would you like another dog around the house?"

She felt Jacobs hand running through the back of her hair, "if it's too soon..."

She shook her head, "no... You're right it's good to have a dog... Gives these girls something to do and some responsibility,"

"Girls sit down... Grace once you've eaten AND tidied that pigsty of a room call your friend,"

She shook her head as they are quickly before running upstairs.

Connie and Jacob watched as the girls hugged their friends, before running after them to the large outside pen where the puppies were.

"Hello again," the farmers wife smiled, "you had one of our puppies before didn't you,

"Betty," Connie smiled, "she was wonderful... She lived until she was eleven... She died six months ago... The girls were desperate for a new one,"

"What do you think girls?" Jacob laughed at the two girls surrounded my puppies.

Connie crouched down and watched as two of the dogs wandered over to her, one of them wagging its tail and walking into her boots.

"She's the runt... But she's strong," the farmer smiled,

Connie ran her thumb across the dogs head, watching as she sat down in front of her and looked at her.

"She likes you mum," Sophie smiled,

"You know, your Betty did the same... Even followed her out," the farmer smiled,

Connie picked up the puppy, "come here girls,"

"Awww mum..." Grace squealed, "come here dad,"

Jacob stood beside Connie, "she likes you sweet cheeks,"

She looked up at him as she dog wiggled and settled in Connie's arms, "I think that's sorted then," he smiled. "Girls get used to this little one being your mums favourite,"

"Really?" Grace smiled and Connie laughed as Jacob nodded, "really."

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